The 10,000 Post Thread!

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¿y qué ganaría escribiendo en español?, muy pocos podrían comprender lo que estoy diciendo

And what ... write in Spanish? Very little understand what this is?

Is that even close?
PuterTutor said:
And what ... write in Spanish? Very little understand what this is?

Is that even close?

well, close

and what would i win writing in spanish?, a very few ones would be able to understand what i'm saying.

a better wording of the first sentence would be:
"why should i write in spanish?" (kinda like that, but less "rude")
I did french in school and the most I can remember is:

"Ou et le chat?'

I also did German and this is what remains:

"Du bist sheise!!!!"

I'm quite proud of myself actually. :D
I'm just very impressed you write as good of English as you do, doesn't it seem like we say everything backwards?

At least that's the way Spanish seems to me.
Tu' madre es un Puta!

I remember that from a foreign exchange student from Honduras.
PuterTutor said:
I'm just very impressed you write as good of English as you do, doesn't it seem like we say everything backwards?

At least that's the way Spanish seems to me.

well, english syntax is backwards.

most Latin derived languages are straight-fordward.

i can't remember where i read that, and it was also related to a study about brain work while speaking different languages
PuterTutor said:
Tu' madre es un Puta!

I remember that from a foreign exchange student from Honduras.

Tu madre es una puta!

The common sentence in Mexico is: "hijo de tu puta madre"
Okay, I have a problem that I thought I might as well post here...

I have to refresh every page I go to on OTC, otherwise it shows one that's way out-dated. And also when I change my profile, it updates it for a while, then loses it again.
...I don't know whether anyone's noticed my location randomly change from 'a chair' to 'an igloo' and the back to 'a chair'.

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