
molṑn labé
Staff member
Remember them? The American Psycholgical Association. I've been on a rant against this group since I first heard about them. They are quietly working on taking pedophilia from abnormality to normal,

Well, this group files briefs to the court (amicus curiae). In this case, it's about the overturning of juvenile offenders being eligible for the death penalty.

They have now, officially & legally contradicted themselves before the United States Supreme Court.

Justice Antonin Scalia said:
"We need not look far to find studies contradicting the court's conclusions that minors are incompetent because of their age. As the petitioner points out, the American Psychological Association itself, which claims in this case that scientific evidence shows persons under 18 lack the ability to take moral responsibility for their decisions, the APA has previously taken precisely the opposite position before this very court...The APA found a rich body of research showing that juveniles are mature enough to decide whether to obtain an abortion without parental consent. The APA brief citing psychology treatises and studies too numerous to list here asserted, by middle adolescence, age 14 to 15, young people develop abilities similar to adults in reasoning about moral dilemmas, understanding social rules and laws, and reasoning about interpersonal relationships and interpersonal problems."

So, Justice Kennedy, Justice O'Connor & 3 other Justices overlook Supreme Court testimony from a group which clearly has an agenda to side with Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, F. W. De Klerk, the 50 European Union states, because they said what these Justices thought was right, imposing morals upon all Americans, even though they are not within mainstream American beliefs. They chose to make apolitical decision instead of a legal decision.

The APA needs to be disbanded & charged with perjury.
Don't worry Bud if you live long enough you'll
see NAMBLA legalized.
You scoff but who would have dreamed 50 years
ago that anyone would seriously consider
homosexual marriage equal to normal marriage?

This latest court decision is typical ain't it?
Normal? What is normal? idiots

"Deep, dark, woods". Those are my wifes words :D
I understand your rant, Gonz, but speaking as one who has worked in the field, there is one critical aspect you overlook.

Mental health agencies are much like any other business. They hire staff, provide services or goods for public consumption, and must make operating costs at the very least in order to remain solvent. Yes, they receive government funds. But not nearly enough to cover their unque needs that other businesses face, such as increased liability insurance premiums for the very fact of dealing with the population of people they deal with.

With me so far? Good.

Now. To make the necessary monies to remain solvent, these agencies must have some means to bill. Like any other business. To do so, they must meet established medical billing practices, including verification of validity of the conditions they purport to treat. Makes sense. We wouldn't want these places billing our insurance companies, which in turn raises the premiums we pay for our own insurance, for things that aren't even valid...I think most anyone would agree with that sentiment.

So. That leaves us with the why portion of your post, one that in spirit I wholeheartedly agree with. I am not endorsing what I am about to explain, merely stating that it happens, why it happens as well as I understand it, and possibly stimulating conversation about it or at least thought on the part of the reader the next time they pay their insurance bill.

If pedophelia did not have a DSM diagnostic code, along with some manner of recommended protocol treatment approved by some sanctioning body of physicians, these centers could not bill for treating it, therefore they would not attempt to treat people with the diagnosis, resulting guessed it...a much less organized network of even tracking these perverts. Law enforcement alone cannot do it, as most never get arrested. When they do get arrested, one of the first things our legal system does is...order them for treatment.

Getting dizzy yet?

So I don't see it so much as the APA trying to "normalize" pedophelia. I see it more as their attempt to manipulate language to a suitable point so as to get paid for trying to treat it.

Alcohol dependence is another condition that falls into similar standing in my eyes. It too has a DSM code, and a recommended protocol, ineffective as it may be. But having that allows treatment facilities to get paid for treating it. If the treatment works for one out of seven cases...apparently society is happy enough with that ratio that there hasn't been a lot of moaning about it.

Hence, like most everything else in our sorry ass world today, it's all about the bling bling. Ya gotta pay to play. If it pays, somebody somewhere will be doing it 9 to 5.
I understand the insurance part. That was my wifes claims examiner. They have the codes to pay for treatment. The APA isn't looking to treat, they're looking to normalize.

In a step critics charge could result in decriminalizing sexual contact between adults and children, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently sponsored a symposium in which participants discussed the removal of pedophilia from an upcoming edition of the psychiatric manual of mental disorders.

Psychiatrists attending an annual APA convention May 19 in San Francisco proposed removing several long-recognized categories of mental illness - including pedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, transvestism, voyeurism and sadomasochism - from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Most of the mental illnesses being considered for removal are known as "paraphilias."

Psychiatrist Charles Moser of San Francisco's Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and co-author Peggy Kleinplatz of the University of Ottawa presented conferees with a paper entitled "DSM-IV-TR and the Paraphilias: An Argument for Removal."

People whose sexual interests are atypical, culturally forbidden or religiously proscribed should not necessarily be labeled mentally ill, they argued.

Notes from The Debate
SouthernN'Proud said:
Hence, like most everything else in our sorry ass world today, it's all about the bling bling. Ya gotta pay to play. If it pays, somebody somewhere will be doing it 9 to 5.
...and if it doesn't pay, no one's going to treat it. So what you end with is a bunch of Pedophiles going to jail and being released in pretty much the same mental state as they went in, but with a harder edge to it (sharpened by their stay in an altogether 'violent towards Pedophiliacs' environment).
MrBishop said:
...and if it doesn't pay, no one's going to treat it. So what you end with is a bunch of Pedophiles going to jail and being released in pretty much the same mental state as they went in, but with a harder edge to it (sharpened by their stay in an altogether 'violent towards Pedophiliacs' environment).

Sooo? Let's kill them off right away. Much better. We finally agree on something.
Works for me. The fact is pedophilia is a non-curable sickness & the sufferers need to be put down like lame livestock.
You're right. I use that term because, it's just sick, what they do.
Professur said:
No. Pedophilia is not a sickness. It's a choice. A bad choice.

I think it is a sickness. but if you want my honest opinion it is also one of the reasons I support the death penalty
There is no proven effective treatment for pedophelia.

Well, yes there is...three actually.

1. Chemical castration. It was used as recently as five years ago. Ya take some shots and yer wanker don't get all puffy no more; no other abilities are affected.

2. Physical castration. A bit messier than option 1, but less likely to be ineffective.

3. 12-guage therapy. Not widely condoned, but guaranteed to keep their nasty hands off another kid.
SouthernN'Proud said:
There is no proven effective treatment for pedophelia.

Well, yes there is...three actually.

1. Chemical castration. It was used as recently as five years ago. Ya take some shots and yer wanker don't get all puffy no more; no other abilities are affected.

2. Physical castration. A bit messier than option 1, but less likely to be ineffective.

3. 12-guage therapy. Not widely condoned, but guaranteed to keep their nasty hands off another kid.

Neither 1 nor 2 will prevent oral or digital violation of the child. Although the testosterone drop can have an effect on libido. And neither have any effect on female rapists.
SouthernN'Proud said:
There is no proven effective treatment for pedophelia.

Well, yes there is...three actually.

1. Chemical castration. It was used as recently as five years ago. Ya take some shots and yer wanker don't get all puffy no more; no other abilities are affected.

2. Physical castration. A bit messier than option 1, but less likely to be ineffective.

3. 12-guage therapy. Not widely condoned, but guaranteed to keep their nasty hands off another kid.

when my class for Criminal Justice had to take a trip to see how a prison is run, they said most of the paedophiles were on some kind of medication that seemed to be working. what is scary is if they dont take it or whatever. thats why I thnk your #3 option is best. Plus the #2 option doesnt get rid of the hormones
Freak, the worst thing it that they can't be forced to take it. And there's no followup after release. They have to pay for it, if they do choose to take it. Damnit, if it has any worthwhile effect, and they're repentant enought to willingly take it, supply it already.
sometimes there is a follow up. Not always but in some cases there are. I think that there are some penalties they receive for not taking the medicine. Around here and I think back home in MD they didnt have to pay for it
Professur said:
Freak, the worst thing it that they can't be forced to take it.

Yes they can. Court ordered chemical castration. I've seen it done. It's administered in the presence of eyewitnesses. Failure to show up for one injection is immediate incarceration. Worked wonders.
Professur said:
No. Pedophilia is not a sickness. It's a choice. A bad choice.

are you saying its a choice to act on pedophelic impulses or a choice just to be attracted to little boys?
Professur said:
Neither 1 nor 2 will prevent oral or digital violation of the child. Although the testosterone drop can have an effect on libido. And neither have any effect on female rapists.

Exactly the point I was gonna make.