The art of seduction -


Well-Known Member're on a date (either with someone new or with someone that you're already with), and you're planning a seduction.

What would your date schedule look like, what would you wear, music, clothes, lingerie etc...

I'll describe my best later :)
Seduction?!?!... I think I've forgotten what this is... maybe someone can enlighten me... :D
Aunty Em said:
Seduction?!?!... I think I've forgotten what this is... maybe someone can enlighten me... :D

All that sweet shit that men do in order to get lai...err...

Well....In my case....this might involve inviting the woman to my place where I have nice music (Classical) playing in the background. I would then cook her a meal, served with a nicely chilled bottle of wine, some triffle (fresh) for desert and perhaps some dancing, or sitting in my back yard and looking at the stars and commenting on the fireflies that occasionally make a visit. That's a short version of the original. :)
MrBishop said:
All that sweet shit that men do in order to get lai...err...

Well....In my case....this might involve inviting the woman to my place where I have nice music (Classical) playing in the background. I would then cook her a meal, served with a nicely chilled bottle of wine, some triffle (fresh) for desert and perhaps some dancing, or sitting in my back yard and looking at the stars and commenting on the fireflies that occasionally make a visit. That's a short version of the original. :)

So, what time to be there again? *hehe*
At the risk of sounding arrogant (especially since I've been out of dating over ten years now) but I can sing a love song that would make Squiigs wanna kiss me. (Bad example?):lol:
I've always relied on that.
Rose said:
So, what time to be there again? *hehe*
Next Tuesday, schedule this week is already laid out...sorry :)

You may laugh...but some female friends that I've talked with find the ability to cook well as a real plus, and the ability to dance as a good indicator of what other skills might come up. :)

That...and I look really sexy in an apron :)

Oh...almost forgot...there is something about fresh strwawberries slow cooked in a Maple-Syrup and Grand Marnier sauce and poured over vanila icecream that opens doors...

Ladies? Comments?
I agree with Aunty - if a man can cook he gets touble brownie points. If he can sing (chcr) or play an instrament - triple the points! I love singing, so I'm biased.

Bish, I'll be there.
Aunty Em said:
Only an apron? :brow:

... strawberries...... :licklips: I just love a man who can cook, and cook well! :D
Only for you..and maybe Rose and/or an apron :)

Aah...I have a recipy for Ceasar Salad that taken me about 45m to make but will make your panties fall to the floor in appreciation.

My roasted Duck à l'Orange is supreme

Oh...I have a spaghetini con calamar(with blacknend noodles) that is to die for.

I WISH that I had enough time to really cook again. Kid's'll take so much time away from you. :p

For a seductive date, I always wear my itty-bitty black dress and my strappy black high-heeled sandals. I feel sexy in it and that's wear my confidence stems from so I can seduce him.

Saying "Wanna have sex now?" has pretty much always worked for me.

I'm a chick, they are guys, you do the stereotyping ;)