the Ash is back.


New Member
Kittie keeps telling me i should post... so i am!
there's no real reason i havent been posting, i'm not mad at anyone, and i dont think yall suck or nothin, lol, but i really just havent been online much.
i have a tmobile sidekick, and i update and read livejournal, and chat on aim and check email from it, so i dont really need a real computer, but every now and then i steal my boyfriend's computer and check stuff like the normal people.

now to give an update on what i've been up to!

i still work at a photo lab, going on 2 years there. wow wow, i know.

i also enrolled at a beauty school, Empire Beauty School. i start on may 16, and should graduate from that in april of 07.
if you've seen my many "look what the crap i did to my hair" threads, you know it's something i have interest in, and i will learn to do it right and to make money off of doing that and many more things, and hope to eventually open my own salon. some of my friends are surprised at this choice, but i think it is a good one for me.
(speaking of my hair, i now have a chelsea-hawk, which is a mohawk with bangs and little sidepieces. it was black, but i bleached it and now it's kind of reddish/fox-colored and gradient and cool-like)

i also kind of moved. by kind of moved, i mean that i got a new boyfriend, and i live at his house.
old boyfriend was a cheating, selfish dork.
new boyfriend is generous, caring, thoughtful. and that's just the kind of person he is, not some special treatment because i have girly bits... anyhow...
this are him:

he are Jay, and he are great!

i still hang out with Kittie, and my other friends, and jay doesnt whine if i want to see my friends! it rocks.

anyhow, basically, i plan on being around more, and was just letting you all know what's going on with me :)
AlphaTroll said:
Did you do his hair too?

why yes i did, lol. but he's had a mohawk for like 10 years or something. so i just was his helper for that partiular trim, lol.

hmm, this thread needs an update.
so, as you prolly saw from my other thread, me and jay are engaged now. that's him in the picture :)

i quit beauty school months ago because the way it was run wasn't worth the time or money, and i had lost all patience/interest for it.

the photolab i worked at closed, i got a job at another one, they fired me, pretty much because i wore black, and now i work at a Borders Express in a nearby mall, as a bookseller.

so, things are going pretty well :)
Your story's sad to tell, a teenage ne'er-do-well
Most mixed up non-delinquent on the block
Your future's so unclear now,
what's left of your career now
Can't even get a trade-in on your smile
Beauty school dropout, no graduation day for you
Beauty school dropout, missed your midterms
and flunked shampoo
Well at least you could have
taken time to wash and clean your clothes up
After spending all that dough to have the doctor
fix your nose up Baby get moving (better get moving),
why keep your feeble hopes alive
What are you proving (what are you proving)?
You've got the dream, but not the drive
If you go for your diploma, you could join a steno pool
Turn in your teasin' comb and go back to highschool
Beauty school dropout, hangin' around the corner store
Beauty school dropout, it's about time you knew the score
Well they couldn't teach you anything,
you think you're such a looker
But no customer would go to you,
unless she was a hooker
Baby don't sweat it (don't sweat it),
you're not cut out to hold the job
Better forget it (forget it), who wants their hair done by a slob
Now your bangs are curled, your lashes twirled,
and still the world is cruel
Wipe off that angel face and go back to highschool
Baby don't blow it, don't put my good advice to shame
Baby you know it, even Dear Abby's say the same
Now I've called the shot, get off the pot, I really gotta fly
Gotta be goin' to that maltshop in the sky
Beauty school dropout, go back to highschool
Beauty school dropout, go back to highschool
Beauty school dropout, go back to highschool

Hey, if it wasn't me, someone else would have. You all know you were thinking it.
every time i tell someone i dropped out of beauty school, they usually erupt into choruses of that song, or just mention it.....

so i've gotten that before... many times >_<


but i've still never actually heard the song or seen grease.