The bad news


Southern Discomfort guessed it...another pancreas attack. The worst ever. Never in my life have I looked at someone and begged for death until Friday night.

2 heavy doses of morphine en route in the ambulance, a heavy dose of dilautid in the ER followed by the max allowable dose of dilautid...nothing. And I mean nothing. It didn't even phase it.

Finally, they were able to get a third IV of dilautid in and it knocked me out. I spent the night in the hospital with a dilautid pump attached and was able to come home Saturday.

Needless to say, I've eaten nothing since. Water stays down if I go slow. I'm weak, dizzy, and worn out. Slept off and on all day.

The decision has been made...I'm shuttin' her down. I was trying to work as long as I could before having to start Family Medical Leave, so as to stretch as many paychecks out as I could. No more. I'm going in Tuesday and having a talk with TPTB and telling them that's it until after the surgery. I'll do what I can Tuesday, show someone else how to do my main job as I am the only one who knows it, and that's all this redneck wrote. I am saving what strength I have left for the surgery. Maybe that'll shorten the recovery time.
take care man....
*shakes finger* and do what the doc(s) say.

putting another word in for ya man
Whew! You or the wife will keep us posted, right? Don't have any prayers but my thoughts are with you for whatever that's worth.
I'l be sending all good thoughts and prayers in your direction, SN'P.

Save your strength and get back to us healthy and strong --- and just as opinionated. :)
Why is the surgery taking so long? This thing has been ruining your life ever since I've known you. I would have flown to Romania/Thailand 2 years ago to have a quack op on it by now after so much pain.
Why is the surgery taking so long? This thing has been ruining your life ever since I've known you. I would have flown to Romania/Thailand 2 years ago to have a quack op on it by now after so much pain.

Several complicating bugaboos. The latest is a blood clot that has swollen the veins to a dangerous point.
Sorry to hear your in pain and going through so much. Goodluck Tuesday on the surgery, we all will be praying for you.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((SNP & Family))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))