Man you are NO fun!
I ask you to state an example of one of your supposed Gray areas
( I did didn't I? oh well I meant too) and what do I get?
freako104 said:
the reason I say tehre is a grey area is because not everyone who does something evil sees themselves as evil. plus it is on who you ask.
Sorry that is largely unintelligible to me.
So I'll try again:
Give me a clear example of a grey area
An 'unambiguous' lol gray area.
Over the years I've never had anyone of you libs be able
to do it and it always resulted in the libby under torture going berserk with rage.
Are you any different?
Oh And I apologize for misinterpreting your post regarding your use of mind altering substances.
( I did read it by the way).
Regarding your inquiry into the likelihood of a misstatement in a previous post.
It was a conversation between a father and a daughter talking about how mommie has
multiple sex partners because both parents are in an ‘open relationship’.
You could have more accurately attacked the daughters’ response of:
“But Daddy I don’t wanna be a whore!”
But then I'd have pointed out that a pre-teen or teenager wouldn’t make such a fine distinction between.
Having sex for money and having multiple sex partners lol
Not once have you mentioned the word marriage and unless I’ve totally fucked up again
my original supposition was
Winky said:
So is 'adultery’ a gray area?
Adultery is about marriage right not some mythical relationship!
Just as in my book you can’t call yourself ‘married’ if your Steve and Beav.
You cannot claim to be married if your doinkin’ other people.
So convert this “the world is black and white” guy
into your way of seeing the gray areas!