the bastard known as the sassar worm

tank girl

New Member
Help! my laptop has been taken over by a worm virus known as sassar or isass.exe, a little box comes up and prevents me from using windows because it restarts as soon as you click it.

does anyone here have any ideas on how to get rid of it?
AGH! the thing is I have had an antivirus and firewall installed prior to this as well as adaware and a spybot blocker... but this thing got into my system and now I am using my dads computer because this things taken over my godamm laptop! :cuss:
tank girl said:
AGH! the thing is I have had an antivirus and firewall installed prior to this as well as adaware and a spybot blocker... but this thing got into my system and now I am using my dads computer because this things taken over my godamm laptop! :cuss:

This one's a Trojan catcher(formerly known as anti-trojan). Just trust me. If you can get it installed it'll work. I had that damn thing running everywhere for awhile as well.
A little off the subject but I once had this virus:

CIH/Chernobyl Virus

The CIH virus infects executable files and is spread by executing an infected file. Since many files are executed during normal use of a computer, the CIH virus can infect many files quickly.

There are several variants of the CIH virus. Some activate every month on the 26th, while other variants activate just on April 26th or June 26th. Once the CIH virus activates, the virus attempts to erase the entire hard drive and to overwrite the system BIOS. Some machines may require a new BIOS chip to recover if overwritten by the CIH virus. CIH only affects Win95/98 machines.


At the time there was no way to clean it and I lost all of my files.
I've got about 20 virii running rampent on my machine at any time. Damn trojan scanners, virus programs and the like never seem to get them all and half the time i end up chasing them down manually just because it's a helluva lot faster than repeatedly scanning 200gbs worth of software.
Owch.....2 hour scan time....but why so many virii at once? I have spybot s+d, AVG 6.0 Adaware SE and ZA running at any one time. Been months since my last virus......
AVG here too. AVG updated about every 2 days has been my friend. ;)
It has also fixed many a problem on others' computers already infected.
ha... thanks guys... I'm still figuring out how I'm gonna actually get into the thing to fix the thing... if you know what I mean ? Most of the info I've found on the net tells you how to recover BUT only if you can get on the thing first, or get around it and into windows and onto the net to download something to fix it? now the question is, what do I do if i can't even get that far? it comes up right before the windows screen even appears... :(
Might call for a reformat. What version of windows do you have on it? If it's pre-xp, at least you know the drive is fat and you could boot to dos and at least copy the stuff you need off of it onto floppies.
tank girl said:
ha... thanks guys... I'm still figuring out how I'm gonna actually get into the thing to fix the thing... if you know what I mean ? Most of the info I've found on the net tells you how to recover BUT only if you can get on the thing first, or get around it and into windows and onto the net to download something to fix it? now the question is, what do I do if i can't even get that far? it comes up right before the windows screen even appears... :(
Get a blank CD, download copy the necessary software from your working PC to said CD. Next boot in safe mode, run the fix tool, reboot. Install firewall first and lock out net access. Then install your antivirus, let it do it's pre and post install scans. Enable net connection again and update AV. Run AV again see if it picks up any nasties, if not you're in the clear :)

Then get a spy/adware program (like the ones I so subtley pimped above :D) run them, restart PC et voila! You should be clear :)
mmm, well it doesn't even give you the option of going in on safe mode. I have windows xp on it, but theres no whiff of a lil windows icon in sight... all I can do at the moment is keep on restarting it and slam on random keys with the hope it will magically start working lol
Hit and hold F8 when it says booting windows XP and you get the grey progress bar at the bottom.,
F8 is the magic key you need to press during the boot, it should pop up a menu to give you the option of starting in safe mode. Just press it about once a second after pushing the power button, the window of time to take the keypress can be tiny.
Get a blank CD, download copy the necessary software from your working PC to said CD. Next boot in safe mode, run the fix tool, reboot. Install firewall first and lock out net access. Then install your antivirus, let it do it's pre and post install scans. Enable net connection again and update AV. Run AV again see if it picks up any nasties, if not you're in the clear

thanks for that... I will see what I can do, I think I may be able to figure out how to start it in safe mode...I'll give it a shot :D