the best babysitter EVER!

Crying shame Wimen's can't stay home and raise
their OWN kids huh?

No wait Mine did !
Winky said:
Crying shame Wimen's can't stay home and raise
their OWN kids huh?

What and miss out on all the fun in the workfield!!

Or, by the time the hubby gets home, all the mom can say is: "I Love You-You Love Me, were a happy F A M I L Y..." Ahhhhhh :lloyd:
Winky said:
Crying shame Wimen's can't stay home and raise
their OWN kids huh?

No wait Mine did !
i did it for three years. in a perfect world i could still do it. don't be so judgemental.
"don't be so judge mental"
Is there ANY other way to go through life?
I hereby judge that a Father that provides for his offspring is a good thing.

"in a perfect world"
My dear the world is perfect,
It is perfect and in this perfect world accidents NEVER happen. Cause effect, cause effect. Issues arise when
A: people don't know what caused the effect or
B: find themselves through ignorance unable to cause the desired effect.

Now I didn't mean to affront any single Mom's but I'd be shocked to get railed on by a deadbeat Dad in this thread. Any Dad's out there that aren't living up to their responsibility as Men to their Wives Children nation state God?

No I didn't think so...

Single motherhood is the single greatest bane on western society!

No Tonks the fact that you provided for your children is not at issue. I hate Men that act like boys.
And the forces in society that encourage them.
in this case it was the bottle and he recieved no encouragement. sorry if i snapped at you but it's a sore subject with me. i wish i was home with them but school is also a good socializer and they are learning so much :shrug:
Hey np
I was a 'latch key kid'
and me pappy jumped inna bottle when I was five.
It's just that in the scheme of things
it's better to have two parents around to do a two person job.
Winky said:
Hey np
I was a 'latch key kid'
and me pappy jumped inna bottle when I was five.
It's just that in the scheme of things
it's better to have two parents around to do a two person job.
well, there are 2 parents around...just one of them isn't biological. my girls are not hurting in that respect.
My kids like to storm off and sit in a closet when they're told "no". They get progressively louder when noone bothers to go dig them out.
We're at Mum's now, remember? I'm finishing off the new plumbing at the trailer tonight. And I never said I didn't have room. I've a cottage less than an hour from Uki and Paul's that's sitting empty.
Train from where? I've no idea how far that stuff dips below the border. God knows we don't have trains here other than bulk commercial freight.