The best day of the year

Well, time is money, and what it costs to buy a fish at the store is less than the time it would take to catch a suitable fish at the local lake.
Re: The best day of the year

I like christmas eve myself, gauranteed day off (usually a week or two with the odd thing in between), *shit i need a holiday - must be what? 3 years now barring christmas?* ...seeing the family all together, the infectious excitement of my Goddaughter and nieces, the getting the logs and such fer the fire, decorating the tree, crisp walk (via pub) to get holly and whatever else we can knab from the woods :D ... good food and booze and whatnot...

yeah, best day of the year fer me ...
Sure they can. It's the Big Ten, plus Indiana. Simple.

Wow, my alma mater has overtaken Northwestern as the "plus one". Pretty damn sad.

At least we beat Western Upper Penninsula Michigan Tech State A&I (most often cheerleader chant heard: "Block that fumble!") this weekend.
I always thought Penn State was the "plus one," unless I'm pooping on someone's joke here.