The Big Apple hits back - hard

Political maneuvering. It sounds good on the surface but if you look at what each of these people has said before this week, it's pre-election wrangling.

However, in all fairness, it is nice to see them say anything that isn't GW Sucks.
Political maneuvering. It sounds good on the surface but if you look at what each of these people has said before this week, it's pre-election wrangling.

However, in all fairness, it is nice to see them say anything that isn't GW Sucks.

Even Rangel ripped Chavez a new one. :eek:
His speech happened at the very time that Chavez was across town giving discount Citgo fuels to Charlies constituents. He didn't have the cajones to say it out loud.
hmm. chavez called bush the devil and an alcoholic.

well, the latter charge is technically accurate. once an alcoholic... but, i think the 'active alcoholic' phase ended years ago, so he's substantially wrong. but, then, this is OTC. so it stands.

"the devil" is simply mister chavez confusing evil with dumb.

so no big deal on either count.
so no big deal on either count.

Are you high? A foreign head of state comes onto your soil, denigrates your President & you think that's okay?

*wishes there was a 7-11 in the Fort to patronize.*