The Budget

Four consecutive elections of Roosevelt as president followed, and with them, victory over almost every foreign and domestic enemy, as unemployment shrank from 33 percent (and not the mere 25 percent claimed by anti-Roosevelt revisionists) to 0.25 percent

What the fuck is this guy drinking?
What part are you having trouble understanding?
Those are facts but perhaps you are taking that passage out of
the context of the entire article?

Ay, caramba.

The only way he had unemployment go down was to draft over 20% of the male workforce. His policies, as well as those of Hoover, damn near destroyed us
you guys are arguing over nothing. there's no immediate correlation between the president and the economy.

i bitched about bush tons because he made us seem so dumb. but economically, meh, he gave some tax breaks and otherwise didn't do shit... well, okay. i would have liked to have seen some more economic decentralization, decoupling of state from federal liabilities and responsibilities, but whatever.
yeah running up the debt to astronomical levels
debasing the currency
and passing a healthcare bill that any sane person
realizes will create an amount of future unfunded liabilities
added to the already mind boggling amount of unfunded liabilities
which puts US on a clear course to financial ruin...

has not one fucking bit of influence on the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next you'll tell me the riots in the middle east are cuz of some YouTube clip?

Jesus H. Christ gimme some of what ever it is yer smokin'


Calvin Coolidge didn't do much as far as policies went & the economy went thru the roof.

FDR's policies lengthened a recession, a less dramatic one than the one in the early 20's, into
what only the USA calls the GREAT depression.

There is a correlation between the President & the's just not usually a straight line,
as it is now
FDR started our slide into socialism
Obama completed it
The total collapse of the economy will plunge us into totalitarianism
hah It can't happen here? balderdash people will welcome it like they did Adolph
what is it about "immediate" that you don't understand?

you two present perfect examples of the kind of causal thinking that exists in primitive societies, where someone must be behind everything as proximate and immediate causal agent... yer momma gets sick? somebody been practicing witchcraft and done made her sick. bad crops? your enemy made that happen.

well then bush was obviously behind this recession. 'cause shit started tanking when he was in office. and obama, holy bleeding mother of jesus with torrential diarrhea, he must be some kind of super wizard like gandalf... but sinister... picking up where bush left off with the satanic incantations to keep the economy flubbery.

mostly the economy is where it's at because of the aggregate behavior of those participating in the economy. i know this is difficult for you two, with the raw comic book excitement of obama as evil super galdalf as your preferred explanation. sober and rational thought is just so boring by comparison.


so finally you admit you were wrong
you renounce your membership in the communist party
and grudgingly state that you will vote for a Mormon
Sheesh it took you long enough!
No one cares on whit where that 5 trillion dollars went?
The fact that they never submitted a budget along the way
doesn't seem the least bit suspicious to anyone?
The fact that they never submitted a budget along the way
doesn't seem the least bit suspicious to anyone?

All along. I've found it curious how the Senate refuses to allow a budget vote, of any kind, yet the House keeps
upping the ante~

Unfortunately, I can only piss & moan to those who are already part of the problem. Well, and minx too...

Speak of the devil, I bet if he were to ask, say guns dealers, he'd find his premise of immediate incorrect
I wish one of them lefties could explain how Romney's to blame?

Cain't they get behind the idea of Hope & Change?
I bet even they hope this will change.

QE4? more debt, greater regulation, more of the private sector under government control?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results