The Catholic Crusade Against a Mythical Abortion Bill


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The U.S. Catholic Church's crusade against the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) has all the hallmarks of a well-oiled lobbying campaign. A national postcard campaign is flooding the White House and congressional offices with messages opposing FOCA, and the Catholic bishops have made defeating the abortion rights legislation a top priority. In the most recent effort to stop the bill, Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia sent a letter to every member of Congress imploring them to "please oppose FOCA."

There is only one hitch. Congress isn't about to pass the Freedom of Choice Act because no such bill has been introduced.,8599,1880451,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
"There is only one hitch. Congress isn't about to pass the Freedom of Choice Act because no such bill has been introduced."

that is technically accurate, but not accurate in substance. the bill probably stands a decent chance of being reintroduced to congress again, as it was last year, thus continuing to be a pertinent piece of legislation to pick yer side on.

so, no real "ha ha dummy catholics" here, dude.
A Freedom of Choice Act was first introduced in the 108th and 110th Congresses (from '03 to '05 and '07 to '09, respectively), by Rep. Jerold Nadler, a New York Democrat. It was developed at a time when the future of Roe was in doubt because it was unclear if George W. Bush would have the opportunity to appoint another justice to the Supreme Court. But FOCA had a hard time gaining traction — even under Democratic control of Congress, the bill was not only never voted on but never made it out of committee.

Still, FOCA is proving to be the perfect political issue for anti-abortion advocates — and for congressional Republicans, who have taken up the cry as well. Unless and until FOCA is voted on by Congress, they can invoke it as a looming threat. And the longer it remains a dormant issue, the more credit they can take for their own "proactive" efforts to "defeat FOCA,"

and the scary bit

While the USCCB's literature about FOCA has been generally accurate, the chain e-mail has disseminated a number of false claims, including warnings that the proposal would force Catholic hospitals to shut down and lead to at least 100,000 more abortions each year. Some versions of the e-mail even claimed that FOCA could "result in a future amendment that would force women by law to have abortions in certain situations — and even regulate how many children women are allowed to have."
You know I have heard the truth! This christian guy told me the reason why abortion is legal and why so many doctors perform them is because these doctors are worshipping Satan. You see whenever they abort a child, it is a pure soul and the ideal human sacrifice, so in return Satan rewards them with earthly power!

Think of the dead babies! :evileek2: :grim: :flame:

A toast to all my dead fetal homies! :beerbang: