The circle, unbroken


molṑn labé
Staff member

She's baaaaaaacccckkkkkk

"Silence is no longer an option," Fonda said to cheers from the stage on the National Mall. The actress once derided as "Hanoi Jane" by conservatives for her stance on Vietnam said she had held back from activism so as not to be a distraction for the Iraq anti-war movement, but needed to speak out now.


With that comes a radio interview, today, of a wounded Iraq Veteran (lost his leg) who says he was called baby killer, etc & actually had some guy spit at (on?) him.

She's baaaaaaacccckkkkkk


With that comes a radio interview, today, of a wounded Iraq Veteran (lost his leg) who says he was called baby killer, etc & actually had some guy spit at (on?) him.

I saw the interview video. Dispicable, and probably done by somebody because they thought it would put them in the 'in' crowd. Make it legal to use deadly retaliation on the little f*(kheads, and this foolishness would stop...:grumpy: :mad:
It all relates to that ever-more-blurry line between freedom of speech and traitorism. I don't want to live in a country where speaking out against the government is a crime. I also don't want to live in a country where any nutcase with a crackpot agenda can be allowed to have this sort of podium and make mockery of our freedoms.

Equal no longer means equal in America. Until we fix that, we're going to endure a lot of foolishness. If a skinhead were to gain this level of prominence and begin spouting off his message of hate, we as a society would be outraged. But here we have Jane in effect encouraging hatred of soldiers, and that's protected. Maybe not approved of by all or even a majority, but protected. That's unequal. I don't want to hear the skinhead's message, and I don't want to hear hers either.

I take comfort in knowing that most Americans disagree with her and her protoge Sheehan. Most of us know better. The rest are to be endured until they grow up I suppose.
Someone gave her the podium, someone made the decision to send the cameramen, and a whole pile of someone's made the decision to not change the channel.

Perhaps it's time to talk with the press and let them know what kind of stuff you want to watch..or vote the easy way. Change the channel.

Hell...even Fox gave her time on-air...when they simply could've said something like "Fonda is Unamerican and traitorous, so instead of showing you, our faithful viewers, her political crap...we'll be playing the national Anthem and our montage of our troops in action."

Freedom of the press.
It all relates to that ever-more-blurry line between freedom of speech and traitorism. I don't want to live in a country where speaking out against the government is a crime. I also don't want to live in a country where any nutcase with a crackpot agenda can be allowed to have this sort of podium and make mockery of our freedoms.

Equal no longer means equal in America. Until we fix that, we're going to endure a lot of foolishness. If a skinhead were to gain this level of prominence and begin spouting off his message of hate, we as a society would be outraged. But here we have Jane in effect encouraging hatred of soldiers, and that's protected. Maybe not approved of by all or even a majority, but protected. That's unequal. I don't want to hear the skinhead's message, and I don't want to hear hers either.

I take comfort in knowing that most Americans disagree with her and her protoge Sheehan. Most of us know better. The rest are to be endured until they grow up I suppose.

You've been living in such a country since you were born. For decades we've given famous people more credence than average citizens despite the fact that they're no smarter (less so in many cases) or more well informed. Hell, we elected a freaking movie star best known for playing opposite a monkey president. It's not our culture to reward competence or intellect. We reward popularity. :shrug:

Freedom of speech only means something when the other guy is free to say that which makes you blood boil. If he's not then freedom of speech is a joke. You, of course, are free to ignore it but not to abridge his freedom to say it just because it offends you. I still haven't figured out where so many Americans have picked up the notion that one of their freedoms is the freedom to not be offended.

Re the Jane thing, the first one was a long time ago, let it go. OTOH, this proves she hasn't learned anything and she's still an idiot. She was a total biscuit once though.
Someone gave her the podium, someone made the decision to send the cameramen, and a whole pile of someone's made the decision to not change the channel.

Perhaps it's time to talk with the press and let them know what kind of stuff you want to watch..or vote the easy way. Change the channel.

Hell...even Fox gave her time on-air...when they simply could've said something like "Fonda is Unamerican and traitorous, so instead of showing you, our faithful viewers, her political crap...we'll be playing the national Anthem and our montage of our troops in action."

Freedom of the press.

Total agreement.....
'I' did change the channel though. :D
No argument here that these people have the right to say whatever. And I do exercise my right to avoid it.

I just wish equal meant equal. Any of us can come up with dozens of examples where it doesn't. It just frustrates me is all. I know what I'm dealing with, and how to do it to my satisfaction.
Hardly anyone really wants to be "equal." To a lot of people "equal" means "I deserve preferential treatment." If everyone were treated equally for a while there'd be a whole lot of hollering, wouldn't there?
Hardly anyone really wants to be "equal." To a lot of people "equal" means "I deserve preferential treatment." If everyone were treated equally for a while there'd be a whole lot of hollering, wouldn't there?

Not really. What people really want is to be treated fairly. Equal is an objective term. Fair is subjective.
Not really. What people really want is to be treated fairly. Equal is an objective term. Fair is subjective.

I disagree. Most people want to be treated fairly, but the ones that make all the noise want preferential treatment. There not interested in fair treatment despite protestations to the contrary.
Most people want to be treated fairly
that should be "Most people want to be treated fairly at least"
I think everybody would like 'preferential treatment', but then it wouldn't be
preferential treatment, would it.:D
Hell, we elected a freaking movie star best known for playing opposite a monkey president.

Best President in decades. That was handy. So was th efact that he was the Governmor of California.

Re the Jane thing, the first one was a long time ago, let it go.

Once a traaitor, always a triator. What she did is unexcusable. Ever. Given her record, she'd do it again. She needs to be prosecuted.