The Citadel...VMI...and now Wells...

Probably for the same reasons that this society only defines racism as something that can happen towards a person of subsaharan african ancestry.
We all leave our doors unlocked. We can run around in our nighties. It's all girls and we feel really safe and that will change," said student Starbuck Hersey.

I'm wondering how many of the lesbian student members have really enjoyed the 'running around in nighties' and will miss it terribly! :D
MrBishop said:
I'm wondering how many of the lesbian student members have really enjoyed the 'running around in nighties' and will miss it terribly! :D

I was personally insulted by the 'leaving doors unlocked' phrase. The not-so-hidden message is that all men have criminal intentions. :lloyd:
Gato_Solo said:
I was personally insulted by the 'leaving doors unlocked' phrase. The not-so-hidden message is that all men have criminal intentions. :lloyd:

Of course we do...and all women are perfectly innocent and never commit robbery or violent acts of any sort...
I started screaming about this shit when they forced access to the YMCA, but the YWCA was allowed to refuse men.
I'm waiting for the brave soul to open a gym/workout facility called For Men Only and aggressively market it as such.
The gym my mother and wife go to is exclusively female. I've warned them that one day I'll be slipping a bomb into their gymbag. So far they're not concerned.
The article sez they are doing it merely to stay in business. That is quite a bit different than forcing an all male military institution to accept wimen's.

Are there wimen's on nuclear Subs yet?
wtf kind of name is starbuck hershey?
let 'em in, i say. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
tonksy said:
wtf kind of name is starbuck hershey?
let 'em in, i say. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Thats what they are afraid of,all the goosing and gandering the guys are gonna do(supposedly).
A.B.Normal said:
Thats what they are afraid of,all the goosing and gandering the guys are gonna do(supposedly).
well girls have been known to goose and gander too.
Here's the kicker...VMI and the Citadel didn't need financial backing to stay open. They had a waiting list every year, but they were forced open because of 'federal funding'. Don't all colleges and universitys receive money from the federal government in one form, or another?
Umm... I grew up 10 miles from there. They had male students for a few years in the 70s, but it isn't a real college. Debutantes who can't get into Cornell go there. They have various mixers throughout the year that Cornell Law and Hotel Mgmt. students (do I have to say rich ones?) get invited to. A standing joke in the area (and at Cornell) is "You went to Wells College? What degree did you get?" "My Mrs." :lol: You go there to marry well.

Note: In the seventies a Volkswagen Beetle was the only kind of car that would fit accross the footbridge there. The single Pinkerton agent Who was the nighttime security for the whole place (get a sense of how small it is?) drove a Pinto, which of course would not fit. :lol:
Private schools don't necessarily receive federal funding. State schools do. It's easy to tell the difference. If the tuition is $20,000 or $30,000, then it's a private school. If the "fees" are only like $1000 for resident students, then it's a state school.