The coming of age....


Well-Known Member
..of the gods, visitors, and all that was percieved childs fantasy has will that effect humanity?

Suppose for the sake of argument That God exists, there is concrete proof that he/she will that change modern humanity? What turn do you think will humanity take after such knowledge of the omnipotent being?

If Aliens were found to be living and prospering with civilizations rivaling ours and those far ahead of ours? How will that change us and our view on life?

If Ghosts and apparations were all true and all around you?

If many, many parallel universes were found with your exact opposites in many visages were found?

If light travel was not only possible but easily breakable to much faster speeds?

If time travel was possible?

How, do you think, these discoveries and inventions would change mankind and the world as we know it?
Suppose for the sake of argument That God exists, there is concrete proof that he/she will that change modern humanity? What turn do you think will humanity take after such knowledge of the omnipotent being?
1. Is he/she going to pick sides? Tell who is right or wrong?
2. He/she has many things to answer for.
3. Being omnipotent, does this then mean that every wrong ever committed is therefore abrogated because of the lack of "free will?"

On balance, I think the questions would outnumber the answers.

If Aliens were found to be living and prospering with civilizations rivaling ours and those far ahead of ours? How will that change us and our view on life?

I wonder if it would change at all, in that as a species we tend to be provincial and argumentative. Give us somebody else to fight with, I suppose. I know a lot of people think the world would unite in the face of an outside threat (if it were a threat) but I think they're kidding themselves. I also fear that aggressive contention is a prerequisite of intelligence, so we can expect any intelligent civilization to be aggressive.

If Ghosts and apparations were all true and all around you?

There are a few I'd like to talk to.
If many, many parallel universes were found with your exact opposites in many visages were found?
I don't think I understand the question. What difference would it make? Are you suggesting travel between parallel universes. What about physics?
If light travel was not only possible but easily breakable to much faster speeds?
I very much want to go to Cygnus X-1.
If time travel was possible?
The possibilities of this one boggle the mind. Start with this: How would you ever know again if what was happening around you was part of the "normal" sequence of events or a paradox created by some careless time-traveler.
How, do you think, these discoveries and inventions would change mankind and the world as we know it?
Since I believe we're a lot more hardwired than most people, I wonder if it would significantly change mankind at all. I hope it would make the world a better place, but the cynic I have become doubts it very much.
Buttcrackdivine said:
If Aliens were found to be living and prospering with civilizations rivaling ours and those far ahead of ours? How will that change us and our view on life?

One of the first mangemment techniques I learnt in my previous job was that if you wanted to unify a group of people, identify a threat that is external to that group...

World government would apear in the blink of an eye. World democracy would take some time longer I think...
Gotnolegs said:
One of the first mangemment techniques I learnt in my previous job was that if you wanted to unify a group of people, identify a threat that is external to that group...

World government would apear in the blink of an eye. World democracy would take some time longer I think...

I know that's a popular management theory, but it doesn't always work so well in practice. What I think would happen is you'd end up with a half dozen or so conflicting governments, and then annihilation. Got a lot of faith in my fellow man, don't I? :shrug:
I don't think I understand the question. What difference would it make? Are you suggesting travel between parallel universes. What about physics?

Well first of all just the simple knowledge of it. That you aren't so unique, that many of you exist out there. I doubt the travel would be possible there due to the fact the physics of our universe shapes us. If their worlds is any different we'd cease ot exist there and vice versa.

I also fear that aggressive contention is a prerequisite of intelligence, so we can expect any intelligent civilization to be aggressive.

I don't know about other civiliazations but Humans will sure as hell follow suit with aggresive behavior.

World government would apear in the blink of an eye. World democracy would take some time longer I think...

I don't know about that. You'd be surprised how personal benefits precede the need to survive these days. If Russia can consider global warming as an asset to let Siberia warm to expand its farming areas then i highly doubt at time of need everyone will come together to overthrow a possible threat to humanity.

I can actually see someone even taking sides with the invaders. There are enough mysanthropes out there with might and power.
You know you really should have made each of these a seperate thread. Lots of different directions you can take each of them.

Suffice it to say ANY sudden and massive shift in our point of view and way of thinking about our universe and ouselves would be treated with at least resistance perhaps outright hostility and denial. Look at our history as a species after all. Look at how worked up the christians got about the Martian space rock with the possible microbes. And some people STILL dont believe we went to the moon.
Thulsa Doom said:
Suffice it to say ANY sudden and massive shift in our point of view and way of thinking about our universe and ouselves would be treated with at least resistance perhaps outright hostility and denial. Look at our history as a species after all. Look at how worked up the christians got about the Martian space rock with the possible microbes. And some people STILL dont believe we went to the moon.

Have you seen "Contact" the movie. Where religious zealots bomb the machine that was suppose to take one person to the alien nation. I believe that was very true of what will happen if reality was ever put in the situation. Religious extremists and fundementalists will revolt against the idea of merging with the aliens or even simply contacting them. Racism to whole another level.

Apprently "We're all gods creatures" will only apply to those citizens of Earth.
I can actually see someone even taking sides with the invaders. There are enough mysanthropes out there with might and power.
That's actually probably inevitable.
Well first of all just the simple knowledge of it. That you aren't so unique, that many of you exist out there. I doubt the travel would be possible there due to the fact the physics of our universe shapes us. If their worlds is any different we'd cease ot exist there and vice versa.
Now, my understanding of the theory is far from complete. I think however, that four dimensions are prevalent in our universe, in another universe at least one of ours would be supressed in favor of at least one that is not. this is how parallel universes can exist in the same space. I don't think it's possible for us to ineract with such a universe in any meaningful way.

Have you read the book, "Contact" BTW? Sagan went into much more depth than the movie could. Great movie though.
chcr said:
I think however, that four dimensions are prevalent in our universe, in another universe at least one of ours would be supressed in favor of at least one that is not. this is how parallel universes can exist in the same space. I don't think it's possible for us to ineract with such a universe in any meaningful way.

I agree. Any of our 4 dimensions being unavaliable to us is a no no but it is intriguing to wonder how their universe would be shaped with a dimension other than the 4 we know of. I have never heard of that theory but it sounds interesting. Possibly in their universe the 5th is s full fledged dimension allowing complete and total control of time to any who wish to travel (5th is supposed to be like a reel of time.....given the right coordinates time travel is possible to anyone who exists in it)

Have you read the book, "Contact" BTW? Sagan went into much more depth than the movie could. Great movie though.

I haven't read anything beyond the required High School novels.

What i would love to see is God be proven true or proven as a moot institution.

Amazing to see how all the religions would be looked upon when we find there is only one god, which religion is right? which are wrong? amazingly enough everyone would still defend their religion.
universe the 5th is s full fledged dimension
Does that mean everyone sits around singing "Wedding Bell Blues" and "Aquarius?" (sometimes I just crack myself up :lol: ) Seriously though, which one is fifth? A different one in each universe the way I see it.
Amazing to see how all the religions would be looked upon when we find there is only one god, which religion is right? which are wrong? amazingly enough everyone would still defend their religion.
You are aware that the two largest religions not only worship one god, but in fact the same god?

I also find that in my experience, my faith that there is no god is usually stronger than a religious person's faith that there is one. A great many people have doubts, I really don't.

Edited for accuracy.
chcr said:
1. Is he/she going to pick sides? Tell who is right or wrong?
I doubt he would do that. As children aren't mature enough to know all the truth, the same apply to humankind. We're just starting to hit the point where we can begin to understand things as they were taught.
2. He/she has many things to answer for.
Read above. Not all things can be answered yet, but if you study religions to the core without personal interests and emotions interfering you'll find a lot of answers...
3. Being omnipotent, does this then mean that every wrong ever committed is therefore abrogated because of the lack of "free will?"
Sorry I fail to see where omnipotence demands lack of free will. It's a basic principle of any reasonable faith existent.

I personally don't think He could be proven. I mean: even if He appeared and made rain goes upside down, there would be still people who would doubt. Even Christ operated wonders and was still frowned upon...
If time travel was possible?​
The possibilities of this one boggle the mind. Start with this: How would you ever know again if what was happening around you was part of the "normal" sequence of events or a paradox created by some careless time-traveler.
But you see, that's just it. How do you know now that what we are experiencing isn't just some fuck up? If time travel is or becomes possible sometime in the future, wouldn't you want to go back to where it all started, in the technology boom?
Buttcrackdivine said:
..of the gods, visitors, and all that was percieved childs fantasy has will that effect humanity?

Suppose for the sake of argument That God exists, there is concrete proof that he/she will that change modern humanity? What turn do you think will humanity take after such knowledge of the omnipotent being?

If Aliens were found to be living and prospering with civilizations rivaling ours and those far ahead of ours? How will that change us and our view on life?

If Ghosts and apparations were all true and all around you?

If many, many parallel universes were found with your exact opposites in many visages were found?

If light travel was not only possible but easily breakable to much faster speeds?

If time travel was possible?

How, do you think, these discoveries and inventions would change mankind and the world as we know it?

1. if god exsisted and we could prove it, i dont think people would do anything astray from what He commanded.(not the Bible,Qu'aran and others but what He says to us as people.)

2. I already believe in ghosts so i am not going to continue on since it hasnt affeted my lifestyle.

3. Time travel possible well wed learn a hell of a lot more and i think it would clear up a good number of controversies. Also if it were possible could we use it to live in other eras?
Jeez...and people complain that I give out loaded questions ;)

Buttcrackdivine said:
..Suppose for the sake of argument That God exists, there is concrete proof that he/she will that change modern humanity? What turn do you think will humanity take after such knowledge of the omnipotent being??

I guess that it would depend on the proof. God would have to prove him/herself to every person several times. We're a clan of unbelievers. "What if it's a hoak? Drugs? Hallucination?" etc.. I can see a whole whack of questions going out (why suffering?) and not enough answers coming back. I can see different religions causing chaos whilst claiming that it was all made up by the west/east/etc... People still disbelive the whole round-earth thing, not to mention those that believe that we've never landed on the moon, and it was all donr on the Hollywood set somewhere. I'm thinking that other than a whole whack of holy-wars starting up, precious little shall change. On the plus side, I'd like God to denounce televangelists, Hare Crishnas, Jehovas Witnesses, and cultists of all colour and shape. That'd be nice.

Hell, I hope that God's actually Buddah...that'd be sweet.

Buttcrackdivine said:
..If Aliens were found to be living and prospering with civilizations rivaling ours and those far ahead of ours? How will that change us and our view on life??

Well, mathematically/statistically, it's practically been proven that there are not only a few, but upwards of 10,000 other inhabited planets in our universe. I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't any that are more advanced than us. If, on the other hand, we actually had contact with one of them, it'd rock the world. I can see old rivalries collapsing and new alliances forming, uniting in the defence of the 'new threat'.

Buttcrackdivine said:
..If Ghosts and apparations were all true and all around you??

I wouldn't get any sleep, that's for sure. Can you imagine trying to have sex or work with ghosts tapping you on the shoulder and asking you to deliver messages to their living family? Crowds of cheering ghosts on the sidelines cheering and/or booing your sex-life? Driving around and swerving to avoid someone who's been dead for millenia? Sheesh!!! Utter fuckin' chaos! Now, if it was just me...I'd make a mint as a seer and talker to dead relatives!!

Buttcrackdivine said:
..If many, many parallel universes were found with your exact opposites in many visages were found??

Could we conaact them?
Buttcrackdivine said:
..If light travel was not only possible but easily breakable to much faster speeds??

It is possible. Einstein said that we couldn't accelerate to light speed, but his theorum basically danced around the issue f going beyond light speed. It's possible, but we don't know how yet.

Buttcrackdivine said:
..If time travel was possible??

I'd vote for sending back 'non-corporeal' cameras and video cameras to historical events. No people sent back...PERIOD!

How, do you think, these discoveries and inventions would change mankind and the world as we know it?[/QUOTE]
MrBishop said:
I guess that it would depend on the proof. God would have to prove him/herself to every person several times. We're a clan of unbelievers. "What if it's a hoak? Drugs? Hallucination?" etc.. I can see a whole whack of questions going out (why suffering?) and not enough answers coming back.
Not to mention those claiming it was in fact devil's work :rolleyes: