The contents of the closet, revealed


molṑn labé
Staff member
Haven't we been saying this for two years?

Democrats have given Saddam Hussein a shocking vote of confidence in the latest Fox News Opinion Dynamics survey, with a solid plurality saying the world would be better off if the Butcher of Baghdad was still in power.

Forty-one percent of Democrats gave Saddam a thumbs up, while just 34 percent said Iraq is better served with the murderous dictator gone, reports the New York Post.

In stark contrast, 78 percent of Republicans said toppling the mass-murdering leader left everyone better off. Just 10 percent said they wished Saddam still ruled Iraq.

On the question of whether President Bush lied to the American people about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, 72 percent of Democrats say he did.

Seventy-nine percent of Republicans disagreed, however -- saying that Bush gave the American people the best intelligence he had at the time.

Nah, I really like the Bay area. It's its inhabitants that are backwards.
Fox News Opinion Dynamics survey

:rofl: Like a poll only different?

I listened to a lovely debate about how the left was going to ruin the American economy by destroying Christmas on Fox while I was exercising this morning. At least two other guys in the gym were watching it and laughing at least as hard as I was. I just don't understand how anyone with a brain can listen to more than two minutes of crap like that (note that I watch Fox "news" quite a bit for the comedy) and still consider them a legitimate news outlet. Over the years I've become convinced that they make up at least 80% of shit like this just to see who's gullible enough to buy it.
I don't watch the opinion shows. Hell, I seldomly watch the news. When I am do, it's typically Fox or PMSNBC. Once I get the talking points, I go look for reliable news services like WND & NewsMax to tell me what to think.
Gonz said:
I don't watch the opinion shows. Hell, I seldomly watch the news. When I am do, it's typically Fox or PMSNBC. Once I get the talking points, I go look for reliable news services like WND & NewsMax to tell me what to think.

Wasn't an opinion show, it was bullish and bearish, a stock market show. Evidently the economy is going to collapse because some retailers call it "The Holiday Season" instead of "Christmas." :lloyd: They'd call it "Gonz's Day" if they thought it would make more people buy more shit.

Edit: Nobody but nobody "tells me what to think."
Sure they do, you just don't know it. They's sneaky lil bastrds they is.
chcr said:

Wasn't an opinion show, it was bullish and bearish, a stock market show.

Actually...Bulls and Bears is an editorial show, as anything dealing with the stock market (why you should pick this stock over the next) is nothing but speculation. Like you said...anyone with a brain...

chcr said:
Evidently the economy is going to collapse because some retailers call it "The Holiday Season" instead of "Christmas." :lloyd: They'd call it "Gonz's Day" if they thought it would make more people buy more shit.

What they are talking about is the backlash from the majority, who still believe in the idea of a Christian Christmas, and feel that the PC brigade has no business deciding what to call that day.

chcr said:
Edit: Nobody but nobody "tells me what to think."

But they can evidently tell you how to react. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
BTW...Fox isn't the only news source talking about the whole Christmas thing...
I know that Gato. It's a really huge deal around here (I note that it doesn't seem to have affected Wal-Mart's volume though). It just seems so ridiculous to me. It's strictly a marketing deal for most of the retailers and what they call it is largely irrelevant. We Americans are clearly going to buy the stuff regardless. The idea that it's a leftist conspiracy of some kind and the idea that retailers not calling Christmas will crash the economy are ludicrous. You gonna keep calling it Christmas? Why would you care what anyone else calls it? What the hell is Kwaanza anyway (okay, that one's irrelevant but inquiring minds... :D )?
chcr said:
I know that Gato. It's a really huge deal around here (I note that it doesn't seem to have affected Wal-Mart's volume though). It just seems so ridiculous to me. It's strictly a marketing deal for most of the retailers and what they call it is largely irrelevant. We Americans are clearly going to buy the stuff regardless. The idea that it's a leftist conspiracy of some kind and the idea that retailers not calling Christmas will crash the economy are ludicrous. You gonna keep calling it Christmas? Why would you care what anyone else calls it? What the hell is Kwaanza anyway (okay, that one's irrelevant but inquiring minds... :D )?

Kwaanza is an African Harvest festival...usually celebrated in the early spring.

As for the rest...I personally don't care, but I do believe that changing the names of the items associated with the holiday is wrong. It's like calling a dredl a top...or a burqa a ninja suit. As long as people care, I think the holidays should be left alone. When people no longer follow the true meaning, then have at it. My personal belief is that the gift-giving and the greed were invented by the retail markets to drive up dismal sales of lackluster products and toys that would otherwise be gathering dust in a warehouse.