The Death Penalty


Well-Known Member
SInce I've been reading the paper and watching the news lately, I've developed a special kind of sensation. It's a combination of "sick to my stomach" and "Self-rightiousness". It makes me want to write to my governament and ask them to reinstate the death penalty.
Practically every day, I hear about how this person killed their wife and 3 children, or such a child got raped and killed, or how another child was taken from their home where it was discovered that they were covered in cigarette burns and scars from broken bones. I hear abut serial-rapists and mass-murderers, child-molestors and abusers, the muggings of the elderly and the torture of the innocents...and the more I read, the more I start dreaming of the good ol' days of the Death Penalty.
Why bother paying for someone to live out the next 30-40 years in jail, and providing them with shelter, three meals a day etc... at the cost of thousands of dollars per year per inmate, when a $40 lethal injection and a $2000 funeral would do?
when a $40 lethal injection and a $2000 funeral would do?

In the real world it costs more to kill a criminal that to keep them. Don't ask me why, those are facts (admittedly, i've yet to look them up & disprove them as liberal crap).

Personally, I'm against government sanctioned murder. If, and only if, the family of the victim chooses to pull the trigger/inject the poison/pull the noose-stop/etc, would I be for capitol punishment.
Gonz said:
If, and only if, the family of the victim chooses to pull the trigger/inject the poison/pull the noose-stop/etc, would I be for capitol punishment.

Wouldn't that be Vigilanteism?
The costs are greater for the death row inmates mainly because they are automatically entered for an appeal. If that appeal doesn't go thier way, they can have another, and another, up until the State Supreme court decides they need to die, at which point the govenor can still step in. It's supposed to ensure we don't kill innocent people, but the appeals process can take anywhere from 8 to 14 years. That's a long time to sustain thier lives, pay for attorneys, pay for prosecutors, etc...
I am all for it depending upon the situation. rape,muder,molestation to me all should be death penalty crimes.
MrBishop said:
Wouldn't that be Vigilanteism?

Not if the criminal has had a proper trial & the laws give the victims family the right to do so.
Why bother paying for someone to live out the next 30-40 years in jail, and providing them with shelter, three meals a day etc... at the cost of thousands of dollars per year per inmate, when a $40 lethal injection and a $2000 funeral would do?

Getting analy raped everyday by your husband named Bubba and beaten for just looking at him the wrong way is so much more penal than a painless injection and a afterlife where he/she may or may not be tormented for their "Supposed" sins.
I've always been a fan of the death penalty. If a few innocent sheep get mowed down with the guilty, so be it. That's the price we pay for civilisation.
Professur said:
I've always been a fan of the death penalty. If a few innocent sheep get mowed down with the guilty, so be it. That's the price we pay for civilisation.
See, that's the part I have trouble with. If one innocent person is killed, that's one too many (and it's happened). If the proof is incontravertible, however, fry the fucker.
chcr said:
See, that's the part I have trouble with. If one innocent person is killed, that's one too many (and it's happened). If the proof is incontravertible, however, fry the fucker.

I thought that was the whole point of your revolution? That a few should die that others might live in a better world.
I'm against Capital Punishment, merely because I don't see death as punishment, but as release.

If the family of the victim wishes to pull the trigger, flip the switch, etc, fine. But let's call it as it is, then, a gift to them, not a punishment to the accused.

Furthermore, I've yet to see any proof that it is a deterrent. Or that it isn't used to a greater degree on minorities and the economically disadvantaged.
Actually, I'd say it's more of ridding society of a defective member than a punishment. Cutting out a cancer, if you will. Sometimes, you have to take a little healthy flesh, to be sure you got it all.
Anytime I've used the services of a doctor, I've made it very clear that his future health depends greatly on mine. Or my wife's, as the case may be. She's dealt with many more doctors recently than I have. Letting your eyes wander to where the scalpels rest carries all kinds of meaning.

I'd expect no less of the justice system. Chairing an innocent man, you get charged. The entire trial gets reviewed. If it was an honest mistake, justified by the evidence, then a reprimand, and disbarrment. Ignoring a piece of evidence that would have cleared him ..... Zap.

That would definitely reinforce the need for absolute certainty in the minds of the court, wouldn't it? I'd wager, not one innocent in 100 years dies.
Professur said:
Chairing an innocent man, you get charged. The entire trial gets reviewed. If it was an honest mistake, justified by the evidence, then a reprimand, and disbarrment. Ignoring a piece of evidence that would have cleared him ..... Zap.

That would definitely reinforce the need for absolute certainty in the minds of the court, wouldn't it? I'd wager, not one innocent in 100 years dies.

this process would certainly shrink the number of attorneys out there... (definitely a good thing, imho) :)