The difference...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
The situation depicted here is called racism. The store is not a redneck store. The shop-keeper is not a redneck. However...he has rights. One of those rights is to sell the merchandise he's peddling.

But legal documents also indicate that the man who runs the store, 62-year-old John Howard, is entitled to operate his business in the building until he dies. Now the dispute may go to court.

Here's the main issue. I don't like what the man is selling. I don't like what he represents, nor what he claims. As a result, I will not do business with him in any way, shape, or form. If I lived in the area, I'd probably spend a few hours a month protesting his shop. The operative word is might. You see...there is a very easy way to get rid of someone like that. Raise his rent. Unless he's independently wealthy, he'd have to shut down hisoperation. I'm pretty sure that's legal, as the building is under a new owner. If that doesn't faze him, then I'm fairly sure that him paying that rent to a people he is openly against would do it.

Instead of protesting, instead of lawsuits & their attached media intersest, instead of kicking him out, ignore him.

Drive him out of business by simple lack of interest.
Raise his rent? Wouldn't it be something if he were able to sue for discrimination and win? After all, the landlord would be raising the rent in order to suppress free speech.

Not doing business with him? Perfectly legal and constitutional. Peaceably picketing his store? Perfectly legal and constitutional.
Raise his rent? Wouldn't it be something if he were able to sue for discrimination and win? After all, the landlord would be raising the rent in order to suppress free speech.

Not really. A landlord can legally raise your rent on a yearly basis, if he/she so desires. I didn't say 'double it'. Just raise it.

Inky said:
Not doing business with him? Perfectly legal and constitutional. Peaceably picketing his store? Perfectly legal and constitutional.
But legal documents also indicate that the man who runs the store, 62-year-old John Howard, is entitled to operate his business in the building until he dies. Now the dispute may go to court.

from another article

John Howard opened the Redneck Shop in the 1990s. He later sold it to his one-time friend and ex-Ku Klux Klansman, Michael Burden Jr., who in turn transferred ownership to the church for $1,000.

But, the problem for the church is that as part of the sales agreement, Howard included his right to continue to operate the store in the building until he dies.

I'm guessing he doesn't pay rent.
Inside the store, hooded Klan robes hang on the same rack as the racist T-shirts. Pictures of men, women and children in Klan clothing and pamphlets tell a partial history of the organization.

Guess folks don't like it when only half of the facts are presented, and that half ain't theirs.

Ain't no way I'd spend dime one in this place. Just as I refuse to spend dime one in the businesses listed in Nashville's Black Yellow Pages. (Yes, it exists.) But there's this nagging little thing called the Constitution, and that document protects freedom of speech. All speech (except fire in a theatre before somebody chokes to death typing that in).

Since so many ignorant idiots have creamed their respective drawers to label me a racist over the years, I've made it a priority to learn a bit about the Klan. It is a disgusting, revolting, absolutely useless organization. It was not that way in its infancy. It was, however, rather quickly co-opted by the less than savory. But I'd guess that fewer than 1% of the people know anything about its formation. Wait...the ACCURATE STORY of its formation. There. That's better.

If this guy gets shut down tomorrow I won't lose any sleep over his financial losses. If he gets dragged out into the street and beaten by a mob I won't shed a tear over his physical discomfort. But you better bet if I see a single Malcolm X tshirt among that mob I'll raise more hell than 40 preachers at a Baptist tent revival. I can despise the speech but advocate for the protection of the speaker.
Uhmm, all MSN sites are blocked at work (so nobody does those pesky microsoft updates without permission) what is the story, I can't open the link.

from what I gather (correct me if I am wrong) some guy is selling racist merch. klan pictures etc. and since the business was sold to the chuch he can't be closed down (not that he could cause of that annoying free speech) and calls it a redneck store, thus offending all the southern gentlemen who know their culture is not the klan.
are others offended, I know there was a store selling WWII merch, and people where offended, but nothing could be done, then there was this fire....