The disagreement

Re: Bobby Hogg

rrfield said:
Is Al Qaeda a terrorist organization? Were they?

Was the attack on the USS Cole an act of terrorism?

Al Qaeda is indeed a terrorist organization. They are also a catch all name (Coke instead of soda) for terrorist groups.

The attack on the USS Cole, carried out by agents of a terrorist group, sponsored by an enemy country, was not an act of terrorism. It was an act of war. Had it been carried out by a terrorist group, without governmental backing, it is an act of guerrilla warfare. There would not have been a new Afghanistan had they simply turned over agents of the terrorist organization. The use of terror in most written articles is used, again, as shorthand. It's easier than having to explain it time after time after time.

On 9/11, the attack on the Pentagon, is not technically an act of terror either. It is an overt act of war.

The Towers were a civilian target. Terrorism.
Re: Bobby Hogg

Gonz said:
The attack on the USS Cole, carried out by agents of a terrorist group, sponsored by an enemy country, was not an act of terrorism.

Well you may want to tell the DOD/Military they refer to the Cole Attack as well as The Marine Barracks as "terrorist " attacks in the sites I've linked to previously.
Ok, someone mentioned the American Revolution so I had a question to ask and see if anyone wants to try and answer it.

The US colonies were chartered deeds of land that were actually owned by England and property of a sovereign preexisting state which did not recognize the American independence until well after the rebellion and ensuing war. Now the colonists did not limit themselves to hostilities with enemy troops it often spilled out into private civilian targets of commerce who lawfully conducted business as established by the ruling authority. Chief among those who would use fear, violence, and intimidation as tactics on civilians were know as the Sons of Liberty. (though them claimed to dislike using such tactics for political ends) They didn’t attack military forts or troops but rather focused on tradesman and government officials. They also were known to create riots and destroyed several royal commerce outposts. Though clearly in violation of many laws and acts the Sons of Liberty continued their campaign of harassment and destruction on civilian targets for several years. Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, James Otis, and Paul Revere were all members and supported such tatics as key weapons for change.

Would you consider them terrorists?
Your premise is flawed. The actions of these men were to change governments, not to murder civilians.
Gonz said:
Your premise is flawed. The actions of these men were to change governments, not to murder civilians.

Most terrorists harm civilians in hopes of changing or attempting to control a governing body.
Gonz said:
Terrorists target civilians to create havoc.

That is only half true. They create the havoc for a reason. They are trying to accomplish a goal and believe that by creating panic and fear their goals will be forwarded.
Gonz said:
Keep defending them.

I'm defending no one. I'm simply trying to make you understand that you must see thier goals and understand why they do what they do before you can be truely effective at defeating them. The only thing that defends them is ignorance of the reasons behind thier tatics and actions.

The Twin towers was a target for multiple reasons. If you don't understand the reasons you can never hope to beat them.

The motive of the Sons of Liberty was not random violence the faster you and others learn that niether is Al Qaeda and other such terroist networks the faster and more effective we can be at shuting them down.
If you don't understand the reasons you can never hope to beat them.

Targeting civilians, for the sake of creating murder & mayhem, is never understandable & is not worth reasoning. Those who commit such atrocious acts of wanton violence do not deserve understanding. They deserve death.
Go, understand, come back. You'll be no farther toward ending these barbarians.
ekahs retsam said:
I'm defending no one. I'm simply trying to make you understand that you must see thier goals and understand why they do what they do before you can be truely effective at defeating them. The only thing that defends them is ignorance of the reasons behind thier tatics and actions.

The Twin towers was a target for multiple reasons. If you don't understand the reasons you can never hope to beat them.

The motive of the Sons of Liberty was not random violence the faster you and others learn that niether is Al Qaeda and other such terroist networks the faster and more effective we can be at shuting them down.

Know Thine Enemy that you can beat them