The downfall of America has begun

you asked which one was birth control. you said nothing at all on STDs. and if you read my post I actually said the last two adn the first one were done out of sarcasm. my actual answer was celibsy. but if you are sticking only to birth control w/out the STD bs then homosexuality will be another form. but with it only celibsy works.
yea except you can get rid of it easier than the others. :p

ive been trying to tell my mom she could have done that with me. apparently she wants to keep me :tardbang:
Gonz said:
what birth control works EVERY time it's tried?

Dude, what car crashes 0% of the time it's driven? What country has brilliant sunshine every single day of the year? Which hobby is 100% profitable, enjoyable, hassle- and inconvenience- free? There are risks you take in every single thing you do in life & if you're going to ONLY EVER do things that coulnd't possibly cause have any negative consequences whatsoever you would have one hell of a boring life. You'd never go on the internet because no AV software is 100% effective. You'd never talk to anyone because no person is 100% trustworthy. You'd never love because no person is 100% gauranteed not to break your heart.

Humanity is a biological super-success. We have only been able to become so because of our ability to comminucate with each other about possible dangers & share our solutions to circumvent them. Teaching abstinence is akin to refusing to teaching your kids about viruses or how to drive, and instead just telling them not to use the internet or get behind the wheel of a car. You might be pissed but you probably wouldn't be all that surprised if they went & surfed/drove anyway, and what are the chances that they DON"T give you a virus or write off your car if they don't have a clue what they're doing? And who would be the one sitting there with egg all over his face then?

The only correct answer to your question? Castration.
Abstinence certainly does work when it's applied. But teaching it doesn't mean it's going to be applied. Those who have been taught about contraception will likely use it every time, opening themsevles up to a 1% risk regularly. However those that have been taught abstinence will have sex much less often, but face an exponentially higher risk every time they do. Would you rather your kids take a 90% risk of getting pregnant 1/10th as often or a 1% risk ten times as often? I'd rather face a 1% risk every day than a 90% risk once in my lifetime.
You speak as if abstinence is equivalent to non-existence. It is only another, completely successful, method of birth control as well as a guaranteed way to disrupt the spread of STDs. It is not some paranoid backwoods ballbuster if you have sex it's evil & we'll all die skit from a comdy show. With a small minority it may be, just as a small minority are aids carrying fuck anything that moves sluts.

Don't disparage what you don't understand. Not all those who believe in, practice or teach abstinence are ignorant religious zealots.
Gonz said:
You speak as if abstinence is equivalent to non-existence. It is only another, completely successful, method of birth control as well as a guaranteed way to disrupt the spread of STDs.

Wrong. It's only successful if people choose to use it. And like I said, teaching it is no gaurantee they'll use it - and when they don't, they've got every chance of being shat on, as opposed to those that take a calculated, moderated risk in confidence.

Gonz said:
You speak as if abstinence is equivalent to non-existence.

Good, that's what I was aiming for - living your life only doing the things that are 100% risk-free is, precisely, non-existence.
a13antichrist said:
Wrong. It's only successful if people choose to use it. And like I said, teaching it is no gaurantee they'll use it - and when they don't, they've got every chance of being shat on, as opposed to those that take a calculated, moderated risk in confidence.

It works EVERY time it's used. No calculations. If an person uses this method, nothing happens. No abortions. No out of wedlock births. No welfare mom. No underage mom & dad...none of the social ills & ramifications.

With a failure rate of over 3% on the pill & far worse using other methods, we have 3 or more out of every one hundred sexually active will suffer an undesirable effect. How many will contract HIV? 1? 1000? Not one in the abstinent & monogamous group.

How about this story, just released yesterday.

Half of young Americans will get a sexually transmitted disease by the age of 25, according to the reports.

Now there's something to look forward too.

Like I said, it's only successful if people choose to use it. You can't just say "it's effective when it's used" because the important stats aren't when it IS used, but when it's NOT used. People that have been taught abstinence are still going to have sex (though maybe not as often), and when they do, their chances of getting pregnant are MUCH higher than those who have been taught contraception.

So much higher in fact that thjey only need to have sex ONCE to totally negate any risk advantage whatsoever that abstinence otherwise provides.
A13 said:
People that have been taught abstinence are still going to have sex (though maybe not as often), and when they do, their chances of getting pregnant are MUCH higher than those who have been taught contraception.

Now that is just plain dumb. It a choice to control ones actions. Are we just dumb animals or are we higher brained beings who control our impulses?

They wait until they're married & fuck like rabbits.
Gonz said:
Now that is just plain dumb. It a choice to control ones actions. Are we just dumb animals or are we higher brained beings who control our impulses?

Sure it's a choice. It's also a choice not to drink & drive, or not to cheat on our partners, but that doesn't seem to prevent it from happening, does it?

Gonz said:
They wait until they're married & fuck like rabbits.

You honestly, TRULY believe that, do you? How truly, unbelievably naïve of you.
a13antichrist said:
Sure it's a choice. It's also a choice not to drink & drive, or not to cheat on our partners, but that doesn't seem to prevent it from happening, does it?

You honestly, TRULY believe that, do you? How truly, unbelievably naïve of you.

From what I gather, I have far more belief in & hope for humanity that you. I believe we can be our best when it's expected & part of the social order. There are always bad seeds. So what, they get squashed along the way. If 80% or more prefer knowledge, control, honor & discipline to wanton gut instinct, we'd all be better off.

Naive, yes. But I know it can happen.
Yeah it CAN happen - but what not talking about what CAN happen, we're talking about what WILL happen. Are you claiming that it's okay if 99 young girls run off & get pregnant because they weren't taught contraception, as long as there's 1 that listens & stays chaste until marraige? Of course not.
Why must you insist on pretending that being taught abstinence completely rules out everything else? Facts need to be taught. There are medical, moral & ethical reasons to avoid pre-marital sex. How many medical, moral or ethical reasons are there too have it?

It's a state of mind. Didn't your mom ever give you the "if everybody is doing it, would you follow them off a cliff" talk? Virtually everybody I know is divorced. Not me & my wife. We knew going in it takes work & discipline. Of those 99 girls in which you speak, if 8 of them were shown a better course there would only be 91 pregnant girls. Next go 'round make it 71, then 64, then 50. then 34.

It's taken us (the US) about 50 years to go from one extreme to the other. Not a lot of virtuosity has shown up during that timeframe. Lots of harmful things have. It's time to begin the pendulum on it's reverse swing.
a13antichrist said:
Sure it's a choice. It's also a choice not to drink & drive, or not to cheat on our partners, but that doesn't seem to prevent it from happening, does it?

That's a consequence of civilisation. People like that are supposed to kill themselves off, but these damn do gooders keep running out and saving them. Same sort of people that pull bugs outta the strainer at pools, only to get bitten by them.
Gonz said:
Why must you insist on pretending that being taught abstinence completely rules out everything else?

You're right, it doesn't. In theory. But this "Abstinence funding" that is mentioned in the original article is only available to courses that do not teach condom or contraceptive usage. Basically the only thing they're allowed to say it "sex is bad, it'll hurt you if you do it!!"
Hmmm. Part of me wants to retort that if you've never hurt a woman, you've obviously got a small dick, but that would be sinking to your level, so never mind that.

How about, you bust a cherry, it hurts. You get the clap, it hurts. You get her pregnant, labour hurts.

But I guess that would only happen to a retard, eh?