The dutch are finally tired of their country being invaded


Well-Known Member
Geert Wilder's party gained 15 seats for a total of 24. The Liberals currently hold 31 seats and the Labour party 30. This has shocked the Liberals as they watch their countrymen become more and more fed up with the Islamic invasion of their country.

If only Americans would grow those same balls ...

We'll see in November.


Far-right election breakthrough shocks Netherlands
Jun 10

The spectacular election breakthrough of the far-right anti-Muslim Party for Freedom shocked the Netherlands on Thursday as two mainstream parties braced for weeks of coalition haggling.

The pro-business Liberal VVD party had 31 seats and the Labour party (PvdA) 30, with 99.6 percent of the vote counted after Wednesday's election.

But far-right PVV leader Geert Wilders demanded a share of government after his party came third with 24 seats, more than doubling its current nine seats in the 150-member parliament.

"Nobody in The Hague can bypass the PVV anymore," said Wilders, whose party wants an end to immigration from Muslim countries and a ban on new mosques and the Koran.

"We want to be part of the new government," declared Wilders, a distinctive figure with a shock of dyed blonde hair who is under 24-hour protection and has to live at secret addresses because of his controversial political stand. (The religion of peace has placed a price on his head and he is under constant threat of assassination by radical Islamist Muslims. He never sleeps in the same place twice and he is under 24 hour armed police guard. -j)

France's far-right National Front hailed the PVV's "great success", while the CMO Dutch Muslim organisation expressed disappointment.

"It is shameful," CMO chairman Rasit Bal told Dutch news agency ANP.

"One thing is clear: a group of people are against us. It is terrible," a 29-year-old Muslim who identified herself only as Aicha told AFP at Oosterwei, an immigrant-majority suburb of the Dutch city of Gouda.

The PVV pushed the Christian Democratic Action party of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende into fourth place, prompting him to resign as party leader and MP after eight years as Dutch premier.

Having been a part of nearly every Dutch government since World War II, the Christian Democrats lost 20 seats to end at 21. Balkenende's last centre-left coalition collapsed in February over the country's Afghanistan military mission.

"A divided Netherlands," said the front page headline on the NRC Next newspaper, summing up the election results.

With economic concerns dominating the campaign, the Liberal party led by Mark Rutte campaigned with a promise to cut public spending by about 45 billion euros (54 billion dollars) over the next four years.

It also promised to eradicate the public deficit, which was 5.3 percent of GDP last year, to shrink the government and parliament, lower income taxes and cap civil servant pay rises while raising the retirement age by two years to 67.

Labour, led by Amsterdam ex-mayor Job Cohen, had promised more "careful" savings, the retention of social benefits and higher taxes for the rich. It lost two seats.

The election was the first in a eurozone country since the Greek financial crisis erupted and was closely watched to see how the public reacted to Europe's wave of austerity. Voter turnout was 74 percent, the lowest since 1998.

Rutte has set a target date of July 1 to create a new government. "We do not exclude any party," he said ahead of the polls, asked about a possible coalition with the far right.

Cohen has ruled out cooperation with the PVV.

The maverick Wilders has earned notoriety around the world with his campaign to "stop the Islamisation of the Netherlands."

Wilders, who calls Islam a fascist religion and likens the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf", is known abroad for his 17-minute commentary, "Fitna", which was termed "offensively anti-Islamic" by UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

He goes on trial in the Netherlands in October on charges of inciting racial hatred against Muslims. He was barred from entering Britain last year to stop him spreading "hatred and violent messages."

The deadlocked result means that the PVV cannot be ruled out of coalition talks which observers say will be long and complicated.

Among the other parties, the Socialist Party got 15 seats, down from 25, the Green GroenLinks and centrist D66 both made gains to get 10 and the Christian Union five, losing one.

Official results will be released next Tuesday.

Copyright AFP 2008
From the UK Telegraph. The Brits should understand what the Dutch are going through. They have also been invaded. Unfortunately, as my next post shall illustrate, it is a willing surrender.


Dutch election: Liberals take one-seat lead as far-right party grows in influence
The Liberals have won a narrow one-seat lead in the Dutch election, putting them in pole position to form a coalition.

With 88 per cent of the votes counted, published partial results showed the Liberals with 31 and Labour on 30.

But the real victory went to Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV), which demands an end to immigration from Muslim countries and a ban on new mosques. The PVV took its number of seats from nine in the last parliament to 24, and could hope to enter a coalition government.

The far-right leader with his distinctive shock of fair hair called the result "magnificent".

"The impossible has happened," he told a televised party gathering. "We are the biggest winner today. The Netherlands chose more security, less crime, less immigration and less Islam."

The election ousted Christian Democrat Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende from eight years in office.

The Liberals' narrow lead gives leader Mark Rutte a mandate to form a coalition and become prime minister, but sticking to his austerity policies could prove tough because he needs at least three other parties to secure a parliamentary majority.

Earlier, exit polls had showed the Liberals and Labour running neck-and-neck in an election dominated by debate on fiscal austerity after the euro zone's stability was threatened by sovereign debt woes plaguing Greece.

Mr Balkenende conceded defeat for his Christian Democrats when voters turned against the party, nearly halving its seats from 41 to 21. He resigned as party leader.

The election was triggered when his Christian Democrat-Labour coalition government collapsed in a row over extending the deployment of Dutch troops in Afghanistan.

Mr Wilders and his Freedom Party - a possible coalition contender - gained 10 seats to come third behind the Liberals and Labour with 21, reflecting concern in the country about immigration and foreign policy.

"More security, less crime, less immigration, less Islam - that is what the Netherlands has chosen," Mr Wilders said.

The results of the poll will not be finalised for days.
I believe that Churchill would have had him taken out and shot.

This nitwit doesn't even realize that his mother would never have been allowed to become queen under "Islamic 'spiritual principles' ".


'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Prince Charles urges environmentalists

By Rebecca English
Last updated at 1:46 AM on 10th June 2010

Prince Charles yesterday urged the world to follow Islamic 'spiritual principles' in order to protect the environment.

In an hour-long speech, the heir to the throne argued that man's destruction of the world was contrary to the scriptures of all religions - but particularly those of Islam.

He said the current 'division' between man and nature had been caused not just by industrialisation, but also by our attitude to the environment - which goes against the grain of 'sacred traditions'.

Charles, who is a practising Christian and will become the head of the Church of England when he succeeds to the throne, spoke in depth about his own study of the Koran which, he said, tells its followers that there is 'no separation between man and nature' and says we must always live within our environment's limits.

The prince was speaking to an audience of scholars at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies - which attempts to encourage a better understanding of the culture and civilisation of the religion.

His speech, merging religion with his other favourite subject, the environment, marked the 25th anniversary of the organisation, of which he is patron.

He added: 'The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason - and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us.

'Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation.'
If only Americans would grow those same balls ...

and do what, jim? wear armbands? insist that anyone who wants to come to this country become exactly like us in 30 days or less, enforcing an agenda of radical ethnocentrism?

shit, maybe we should purge the jews while we're at it, huh jim? they're a tiny bit different ya know?
and do what, jim? wear armbands? insist that anyone who wants to come to this country become exactly like us in 30 days or less, enforcing an agenda of radical ethnocentrism?

That has never been asn issue. However, once the illegals decided that they not need to integrate, the problems began. Come, bring your native oddities & put them into the pot, learn our language & shop at Sears.
and do what, jim? wear armbands? insist that anyone who wants to come to this country become exactly like us in 30 days or less, enforcing an agenda of radical ethnocentrism?

shit, maybe we should purge the jews while we're at it, huh jim? they're a tiny bit different ya know?

Boy. Now that was strange. I talk about Americans growing some balls on the issue of our country being invaded -- read the thread title -- and suddenly you are herding Jews into your attic to hide them from me.

Armbands? What would be depicted on those armbands?

Whew! Talk about a segue.
if you don't understand how everything you've been spewing about immigrants and assimilation contains the seed of that type of eventuality, well, then, you need to spend some time examining your own ideas. plus, why would i not pull in some extra drama? yous all love that shit. obama is ruining british pensioners. we're being overrun by beaners that will wreck your hot car(giggle). our government is communist. the gays are coming for YOUR children!!! the UN will control the internet!!!!! there's flourine in your enema bag, jim!!! holy shit yeah you guys got me beat 10x over!
if you don't understand how everything you've been spewing about immigrants and assimilation contains the seed of that type of eventuality, well, then, you need to spend some time examining your own ideas. plus, why would i not pull in some extra drama? yous all love that shit. obama is ruining british pensioners. we're being overrun by beaners that will wreck your hot car(giggle). our government is communist. the gays are coming for YOUR children!!! the UN will control the internet!!!!! there's flourine in your enema bag, jim!!! holy shit yeah you guys got me beat 10x over!

Interesting...there are memos & written agenda's for all the things you sensationalize about the right (which you listed above) but the law you are denouncing specifially disallows what you suggest. Yes, historically, some of which you concern yourself has happened & must be watched for. ALL of which you find beneath consideration has happened (the names & dates have been changed to protect the innocent)
The dutch are adopting Sharia law.

'we're being overrun by beanners that will wreck your hot car (giggle). our government is communist. the gays are coming for YOUR children!!! the UN will control the internet!!!!!'

I as well as every other durn person I know has had an accident wherein an illegal alien has smashed into our cars and tried to flee.

Yes our government is well on it's way to communism, as evidenced by the passage of the deathcare bill.

Not only are they coming on to our children in the public schools with Suzie has two mommies, destroying the military will civil rights lawsuits because they can't where pink flamingo feathers in combat and they seek to finish off the bedrock institution of marriage by equating it with sodomy.

The UN? I'm more concerned that Osammie will seize it to keep the truth of his crimes
(and place of birth) away from the masses.

Glad you firmly grasp (something other than yer wang) the grave nature of the threats we face. (in yo face biotch)
I believe that Churchill would have had him taken out and shot.

This nitwit doesn't even realize that his mother would never have been allowed to become queen under "Islamic 'spiritual principles' ".


The scary thing is ... this cunt is one death away from being the titular head of the Anglican church ... a position his mother holds now.
Chuckie is on to something there

I suppose it is fitting as most of the Muslim world is still living in mud huts.