The eight lies of Obama on televised meetings on health care


Well-Known Member
It seems that he should keep his mouth shut, especially when the TotUS is on hiatus.


Obama lied and America died. (I hope I'm dead wrong on that.)
"That's what I will do in bringing all parties together, not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are," Obama said at a debate against Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles on Jan. 31, 2008.

Democratic leaders are looking to forgo a formal, public conference to merge the House and Senate's health care overhaul bills, giving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House free rein to hammer out the final measure behind closed doors and thwart Republican efforts to stymie it.

The maneuver gives Democratic leaders the ability to quickly work through hundreds of differences between the 2,000-page bills and to keep control over the deals they will need to make on politically touchy topics such as abortion, taxes and Medicare cuts.

"A true conference could take longer than it seems leaders in the Senate want to spend on this," said a Senate Democratic aide.

C-SPAN chief executive Brian Lamb, who has long fought for more television access in Congress, is now asking House and Senate leadership to allow cameras inside while members hammer out differences between the two health care bills.

Lamb, in a letter dated Dec. 30 and made available today, requested opening up “all important negotiations, including any conference committee meetings, to electronic media coverage”

if'n half y'all weren't blowing such imaginary wads all over about nonsense like the birth certificate and international police forces that answer to no one coming to a 7-11 parking lot near you maybe some of the health care critique would be taken more seriously...

shit i'd be saying more about this health care nonsense too if it didn't land me square in troglodyte land.
is it just my perception, or does it seem to y'all that the more the
so-called mainstream media, cspan, and others besides fox, bash on the
pres., and admin....the more optimistic the markets, and economists seem to be.?