The English language fails to keep dominion over all others


Well-Known Member
With the Internet claiming 90% English content, Scentific Journals claiming the same, and English being studied by Chinese and Japanese businessmen in order to help them deal with American companies... you would think that given a few years, or even a few dacades, that English would've become the dominant language....

This doesn't seem to be the case:

English won't dominate as world language
More bilingual people expected in future, expert says

The Associated Press
Updated: 4:31 p.m. ET Feb. 26, 2004

WASHINGTON - The world faces a future of people speaking more than one language, with English no longer seen as likely to become dominant, a British language expert says in a new analysis.

“English is likely to remain one of the world’s most important languages for the foreseeable future, but its future is more problematic — and complex — than most people appreciate,” said language researcher David Graddol. He sees English as likely to become the “first among equals” rather than having the global field to itself.

(this will piss off Gonz) and if you add that to the fact that more and more people in the US speak only spanish...

And about the article, I doubt chinese will gain much interest in the forthcoming years, sure it might become the most spoken language, but that's because China also has the biggest population.

And IMO french and italian (which is very much dead by now) are destinated to die, let's hope portuguese make it out.
Thanks for the link, Bish. Interesting read.

How about attaching a poll to this? I'm curious how many OTC members are bilingual or multilingual... :D
I speak a little Russian and a little French. but more Russian. and I am proud of that fact.

I doint think there should be one world language. but that is me.
I don't see that happening freako, we still have several native towns where they don't speak spanish at all, add that to the fact that we are one of the most developed undeveloped countries, and give yourself an idea of the resistance that people around the world would have to give up their languages.
Luis G said:
And IMO french and italian (which is very much dead by now) are destinated to die, let's hope portuguese make it out.
I'm not sure about French, add France, Belgium, and Switzerland to all the French speaking republics in and around Africa and you have a lot of people. I can't see them suddenly swapping to English or German, can you?
You forgot Canada :p

But the french language dominion is decreasing, it just isn't what it used to be. I never said such languages would die right away, but imo they are destinated to die soon anyway.
Luis G said:
You forgot Canada :p

But the french language dominion is decreasing, it just isn't what it used to be. I never said such languages would die right away, but imo they are destinated to die soon anyway.

LOL! Ooops... :lloyd:
i'm horrible with spoken languages. I know bits of spanish and would like to learn more some day.

Sign Language, on the other hand, is great.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
How about attaching a poll to this? I'm curious how many OTC members are bilingual or multilingual... :D

I speak English and Hawaiian fluently. I understand some Japanese when my mom speaks a pidgin version of it.
Esperanto was going to be the "universal language" when I was young. I used to know a lot of it. I guess we'll be waiting for that along with our thirty hour work week, paperless office and the US accepting the metric system. :lol:

And where the fuck is my flying car?!?!?!?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I only included those "thank you's" that I know. Sadly, I never studied Esperanto or Mandarin. :crying3:

you know there is also Catonese in China. My friend told me how to say it. I dont remember now I think its Xu Cho or something. it was relatively easy to say