The famous Intel vs. AMD tread !


New Member
So... what you guys think is best ? And why ?

I thought this would be a first OT in OT tread (the forum says "lenghty battles" :D)
I'm not quite sure this post fits under "Discussion about world events and lengthy battles about religion, politics..." Moved to Lunatic Lounge. ;)
I think AMD is better because they make a product that performs well, not one that will just sell well. AMD took the lead with the K7, and they will do it again with K8. :cool:
I think Intel is best cos their ads are pretty so that makes them the best. What's AMD anyway?



Athlon XP haha+.jpg, 51.18kb

Athlon XP haha+.jpg
HIYA Mephisto!!

My vote goes for AMD, cuz fury told me I like them best :D
I like AMD simply because we need them to ensure competition and reasonable prices in the future. They've had the price/performance and/or performance lead for a while now (arguably losing it to Intel recently), but even if it were to obviously shift the other way I might pay a bit more to make sure they don't go under.

It's in my best interest in the long run.
I'm seriously considering buying a boatload of AMD stock sometime this summer... when I think it's pretty much bottomed out. I'm hoping it will nudge down around $10 a share, but I'll take it at anything less than $15 when the time comes.

I just don't see any way that it can't go above $20/share after the K8 launch, and I think there's a very strong possibility of it going to $40 or better. The rumors about a Sun deal and an Apple deal... rumored M$ OS support... and one helluva chip.
My first and last Intel chip was the 4x86 DX 2-66 Overdrive :D

(I had a 3x86 too, but never looked to see who made it).