The Federal Subjugation of the Soverign States.


Well-Known Member
Hidden in the lines of the NYT.

Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens.


But proponents say some states are so burdened that the only feasible way out may be bankruptcy, giving Illinois, for example, the opportunity to do what General Motors did with the federal government’s aid.

Waaay wrong answer. That was union blow job paid for by us..

Lawmakers might decide to stop short of a full-blown bankruptcy proposal and establish instead some sort of oversight panel for distressed states, akin to the Municipal Assistance Corporation, which helped New York City during its fiscal crisis of 1975.

.....and there it is.

Now if we can get a few more states in need of "oversight panels" the end of the Republic will be at hand.
:confbang: :dizzy:
I'm curious. Do the Governors or Cali or Ill, just to name a couple, have any clue about the 9th & 10th? Are they so mentally impotent that they can't clearly see what they will give up to the fedreal governent by asking for, then taking, a bailout?
...sponsored by the right, in order to undermine state labor unions. RM, try looking past your kneejerk and read the full story.
somehow i don't give a shit either way. it's kind of a difficult question to begin with though. it's hard to get high quality people into gov jobs anyway because the pay is mediocre and culturally we're attuned to thinking those people are losers. in theory it would be great to have far fewer but better people working for state govs - i mean there are a few things the state does need to do - but the deck is far stacked against that.
Oh jeebus yer startin' to sound like a right wing wingnut there Minks

ahah the solution, bust the Unions and privatize that shit!
yeah, that's tempting. but it would unleash economic chaos. it's actually the one thing that economists - you know, the same guys that were talking about derivatives as being an insane risk - are really concerned about. imagine the double-whammy of states pooping out on their debts and the federal gump hitting the debt ceiling with no plan... good thing i got 1600 rounds coming via UPS ummkay?
The upper and middle classes are wholly incapable of deciding their
own affairs, the ruling class is the only one's that are equipped
to decide how things should be done.
Let's wipe away this sham of having a Republic
and get on with the left's Utopian vision of government czars
being the be all end all of everything.

Oh gawd Minks please turn into a full on fascist capitalist

you know you wanna.

oh lift that drilling moratorium we don't need 100 dollar a barrel oil
yeah we need to keep on keepin' on with the same policies
that have caused this problem.

dude, can't you ever calm that shit down? does everything have to be either doom on a plate or turkish delight, with nothing inbertweenus?
Wouldn't that be boring as hell?

The fact is, nothing we say or do is going to change
any of this shit one whit.

We are all criminals now, just like Ayn said we'd be.

Go out and try to do anything of import and sooner rather than later
you will run face first into some government bureaucrat who thinks
he's got a duty to tell you how to do things. Unless you try to get around
em from the start, then you are a criminal.

Personally I've lived my life in such a way to have thus far avoid needing
to defend myself for trying to exercise my freedoms and I fully intend to
keep it that way.
we're all criminals now, huh?

and yet again... oh, the imaginary drama.

oh, yeah, and fuck ayn rand. how many times do i need to remind you that she was the laughing stock of her contemporaries? like a hip-hop 'artist' in the midst of the great composers. bloody cartoon pabulum. you got that homie? hey man i hear snoop dogg is writing a book on keys to a successful marriage. you go get you a copy!
I have a successful marriage and it isn't based
on the womens lib it's OK if my husband porks
porkers as long as I get what I want set of rules.

oh yes Ayn's whole Objectivist epistemology is a total crock of shit
and the tens of millions of Americans that believe in its tenets
are (fill in this blank with a boatload of leftie labels) too.

I present as evidence to support your claim todays current
debate over whether or not America should have socialized healthcare.
Clearly those of us that don't agree are mentally defective.
After all the RIGHT to an abortion, housing and free healthcare
is writ large in our Constitution.

[begin cut and paste]:
Objectivism holds that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive and deductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or rational self-interest, that the only social system consistent with this morality is full respect for individual rights, embodied in laissez faire capitalism...
The name "Objectivism" derives from the principle that human knowledge and values are objective: they are not created by the thoughts one has, but are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by man's mind. [end]

sorry this conflicts with your cherished personal philosophic agenda.
We are deeply sorry, we'll try to stay quiet in the back of the bus.

ahhh, naive empiricism. if that shit were true we'd all have perfect knowledge and the world would have no problems. duh.
oh rly?
are you serious?
OK so I'll operate on the assumption that you've never read
what she wrote and move on too gee minks what
philosophical school of thought do you think isn't shit?

well I'm just a modren guy