the final semester dilemma

What should Nalani do next semester?

  • Suck it up and take the 5 classes you cry baby

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Screw it - take your time and do a little now, and a little in the fall

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Take the semester off and hang out at the beach

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Give it up - you're over it anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Now, most of you already know that I've been attending school for the last 3 years - and up until now, I've been getting good grades - really good grades ... well, this semester, I'm burned to a crisp and am not doing well, but I'm hoping I'll pass all but one of my classes (and that class doesn't go toward my major anyway, so I'm not gonna worry about it) .. so, here's the dilemma:

I have only 5 classes remaining before graduating (one must be a writing intensive class). The thing is, because of my grades, chances are my financial aide will be 'held', and if that's the case, then I have to pay for school myself. 5 classes gets expensive. And, knowing how I performed this semester, well, I'm just wondering if I'm setting myself up for failure next semester by taking 5 classes just to get it over with.

So, here's the thing - I'm asking for the opinion of you good people. Go ahead and vote and tell me what you think ...
I'm with tonks. It shouldn't be a matter of finishing up as quickly as possible, but one of getting as much as you can out of your time in school. Assuming these are classes you enjoy, why not take the time to explore them fully, instead of rushing through them? You may never have another opportunity like this, take advantage of it! :D
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm with tonks. It shouldn't be a matter of finishing up as quickly as possible, but one of getting as much as you can out of your time in school. Assuming these are classes you enjoy, why not take the time to explore them fully, instead of rushing through them? You may never have another opportunity like this, take advantage of it! :D

umm.. cause I'm 35 and tired of being the 4.0 Golden Child and would rather hang out at the beach every day :D
I voted to take your time also. If you weren't doing that great this past semester, it was probably too much strain on you. If you take half the classes next semester and bring up the GPA, that means you get the aid money, right? Then you can take the last two and you're done!
So it takes a little longer, so what? :shrug: Finish it at your leisure, enjoy your classes, absorb every last bit of information so that you can savor it properly. Then, when you do get to the beach, you can be both beautiful and BRILLIANT! :cool:
I hate it when you guys make sense :D

You're supposed to be like ku'u and say stuff like 'quit yer bitching and just finish already, crybaby!" :D
ahem...quit your bitching and just finish already :D
but seriously...what's one more semester?
tonks said:
ahem...quit your bitching and just finish already :D
but seriously...what's one more semester?

*whispers* ... longer to wait for my graduation party ;)
nalani said:
*whispers* ... longer to wait for my graduation party ;)
*light bulb goes on*
oh!.....can't you just have a one more semester left party and then a graduation party?
How many units do those five classes total up to, and how many units in a semester do you have to carry to qualify for financial aid?
Inkara1 said:
How many units do those five classes total up to, and how many units in a semester do you have to carry to qualify for financial aid?

12 credit hours to keep my financial aide.
15 would finish me off

see? close ... very very close ..
annoyingly close ... but so long as work continues to be flexible and you think you have lots of paper writing energy stored up in you...
unclehobart said:
annoyingly close ... but so long as work continues to be flexible and you think you have lots of paper writing energy stored up in you...

that's where you come in, hun .... *picks up the phone and calls Rob* 'Robby? I need a little 15 page paper on the Antropological approach to comparative religions in regards to their structure and function as well as the religious phenomena.... ok?' ;)
I don't know if I can keep such a heady topic under 50 pages. I do love using big fluffy words that dazzle and baffle.
nalani said:
IYou're supposed to be like ku'u and say stuff like 'quit yer bitching and just finish already, crybaby!" :D

Ah, you know me so well!! So with that in mind ...

Quit yer bitchin', you damn cry baby!!

I say suck it up, you're going through "SENIOR-ITIS", that burned out stage where you wanna give up. All I can say is, don't do it. You'll never want to go back to school, and you're so close to getting that coveted degree.

It's hard to go back, you should just get it over with. It's one more semester ... 1/2 a year ... 5 months ... you can do it!!
You're supposed to be like ku'u and say stuff like 'quit yer bitching and just finish already, crybaby!" :D

Isn't that what you really want to do anyway? :shrug:

You're really only talking about three credit hours.