Chick, just suck it up & get it over with. I've been putting off finishing my degree for 3 years now (won't go into the details of why exactly I didn't finish it when I was supposed to). I'm two credits short of my degree and believe me, the longer you put off the less you actually want to go back 7 just get it over with.
Real life has a nasty habit of getting and staying in the way.
Besides, the course structure could change, leaving you with more credits to attain before getting your degree. Prices go up (so you'd have to pay more) and besides, won't you lose your financial aid if you blow it off now or stretch it over two semesters?
So I'm with Kuulani here - quit yer whining and get yer nose in the books. The beach will still be there when you finish and then you can really enjoy your party without feeling guilty about a thing.