the final semester dilemma

What should Nalani do next semester?

  • Suck it up and take the 5 classes you cry baby

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Screw it - take your time and do a little now, and a little in the fall

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Take the semester off and hang out at the beach

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Give it up - you're over it anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I say do it all!! Definately don't take it off cause you won't wanna go back. If you spread it out over 2 semesters then you are gonna keep looking forward and thinking "So long to go". If it's one semester you'll be like "Almost done, almost done" and prolly do better in your classes :)
The difference between what you HAVE to do to keep your financial aid and what you NEED to finish he is talking about.
I say do it all.....presession style! :D

No, seriously. I'd do it all next semester and get it over with. First, I'd throw a 12-days-of-christmas-partying just to have a break. :headbang:

I have 18 hours left of college. 18 hours to take over three more semesters. :blank: I wish I could do it all next semester, but I have to drag myself through another year and a half and I'm burned out like none other right now after almost four years of this stuff.
Everyone hits that wall at this stage. I took the more relaxed route at the end and I regret it 'cos I relaxed too soon and I didn't get what I wanted. Stick it out, it's only one more semester, then it's over and done... and you can party safe in the knowledge that you don't have to go back! :dance:

Just give yourself a good mental rest over the holiday.
Chick, just suck it up & get it over with. I've been putting off finishing my degree for 3 years now (won't go into the details of why exactly I didn't finish it when I was supposed to). I'm two credits short of my degree and believe me, the longer you put off the less you actually want to go back 7 just get it over with.

Real life has a nasty habit of getting and staying in the way.

Besides, the course structure could change, leaving you with more credits to attain before getting your degree. Prices go up (so you'd have to pay more) and besides, won't you lose your financial aid if you blow it off now or stretch it over two semesters?

So I'm with Kuulani here - quit yer whining and get yer nose in the books. The beach will still be there when you finish and then you can really enjoy your party without feeling guilty about a thing.
Aunty Em!!!! It's nice to see you :)

Here's an update: I've got a meeting with my advisor this afternoon and he and I are going to attempt to make a few of my other courses apply to my upperdivision major requirements. That'll save me at least 3 credit hours. And he's going to let me do 3 hours as a Directed Studies (which can be dangerous, but should be easier, in theory).
AlphaTroll said:
So I'm with Kuulani here - quit yer whining and get yer nose in the books. The beach will still be there when you finish and then you can really enjoy your party without feeling guilty about a thing.

I knew I liked you ;)

Suck it up and take the 5 classes you cry baby

You're feeling the same way my wife did last year, has the end in sight, and you're sick and tired of it. Now, suck it up, take the classes, and finish it. It WILL be worth it....