The First McDonald's Ads


Staff member
found these this morning, starring Willard Scott, the original Ronald :lol:

the burgers still look the same! :eek:
Solo Wrote:
"That's because they're the same burgers"

Not bad...if you like horse meat. You know it's perfectly legal for them to put horse meat in those hamburgers and they have been proven to do it in the past. Go look it up. There's probably 10,000 web pages on the subject. Just think, you to have probably had the black beauty 20% value meal!
Personally i don't really care since i know how all that food is treated anyway. I figure one out of every 100 burgers is spat in by a disgruntled employee. I just make myself feel better by convincing myself each time that this is probably not the 100th burger.
:confuse3: so that's different than eating cow, sheep, moose, deer, pig, all manner of dead :confuse3:

Scratch that thought. I don't want to get caught up trying to explain it.
if what you're saying is true, the ground horse was eaten again and again, so it can't be that different.