"The GOPs War on Women"

um, what are you talking about?

all i can discern here is something like

"liberal dummiez at dailykos are liberal dummiez."
The left would like voters to think that by not supporting the mandate that the 0bama admin. wants to place on Catholics to include contraceptives in any health insurance they would provide that they are engaging in a "War on Women".......

The state of Virginia was considering a bill that would require women to have an transvaginal ultrasound prior to an abortion and the left wanted to call it ''rape.''

The political scene is just getting weird. The left is terrified that 0bama will lose his re-election attempts and they are trying to sway voter opinion any way they can:

The Republican party has been taken over by a Taliban-like alliance of women-haters, gay-bashers and religious extremists. Santorum's attack on women, birth control, gays, public schools and freedom gives us an opportunity to stick a label on the Republicans that can turn millions of women and men who love women and their rights into progressives: the New Republican Taliban.


They know 0bama can't run on his accomplishments and intentions for this country, so they run on attacking the right, twisting and spinning anyone and anything that gets in their way. Freaks!
ummm, no, there are many people that are quite unhappy with santorum-esque positions on issues that impact women. it's not an attempt at misdirection. lots of the folks that oppose the santorum are stupid, just like a lot of those that support it. they are not capable of fancy say one thing to distract from another tactics.

santorum himself would be happy to see contraception made illegal. perhaps he would equip police with latex-sniffing dogs. he thinks his morals are so peachy that they can make decisions for you.

a law requiring an ultrasound prior to an abortion is absurd. it adds moral fingers to the law, and is a fucking waste of resources. (for all the right wing bitching about health care costs, it's funny that extra, expensive testing is just fine for purposes of proselytizing.)

given that abortions tend to happen early in a pregnancy, an ultrasound will often require INTERNAL probing. while obviously "rape" is an exaggeration i do not think it is a good idea for government to probe women's genitals. perhaps you disagree. or perhaps you would gain some smug satisfaction in knowing that "sinners" got some grief...

don't want us imaginary elites telling you how to homeschool your kids? fine. i don't care what you do. and you can keep out of my business, too. it's that easy.
ummm, no, there are many people that are quite unhappy with santorum-esque positions on issues that impact women.

I'm sorry. I might have misunderstood. Has Sen Santorum proposed legislation to make abortion/contraception illegal? Has he even proposed proposing such legislation or are you listening to the leftist morons, again?

I mean, the bottom line is my position is very clear. I've had a -- a consistent record on this of supporting women's right to have contraception. I've supported funding for it.

Fucking right-wing nutjob.

As for the Virginia law..I agree, it is stupid. However, under the 10th amendment, they have the right to pass such legislation. It is their state.
he's backpedaling because he wants the nomination. but, what do you expect from a so-called conservative that bends over for labor unions? that supported a lot of things... before he was against them. maybe god gave him some messages. after all, this is the same guy that said satan - literally - is attacking america.

interesting you bring up state's rights. and that's where little ricky sees his opportunity.
Considering it's not stretch to consider 0bama ''satan'' then yes, yes he IS attacking America.
He has is belief system, I have mine. Satan? dunno, but someone or something sure is trying to do us in. I say it's the American commies (read: Progressives) & every tinpot dictator out there, but hey, that's the price for imperialism.

States rights: HALLELUJAH! No matter how fucked up they are, that's the way the system is supposed to work (I won't go to Utah for booze though)
well i can't really disagree with respect to state's rights.

and if states want to choose a path that is socially and economically stagnant, well, i suppose it is their own choice.

how are coopers doing these days, as a group? is there much career growth in being one?