The "Grudge"

I wasn't too impressed with it. I thought it was terrible, actually. I've never thought she was a good actress but I bought into the hype, unfortunately. It was predictable and I didn't think it was very scary. I thought it dragged on way too long.

Movies like The Ring are my kinda scary. I want to see the one with Robert DeNiro and Dakota Fanning, that looks creepy to me and that little girl (Man on Fire) is one great actress.
The Grudge, it isn't that good, I expected much more from it. It scared me from time to time while watching it, but it didn't terrify me. OTOH The Ring was OMG, I had nightmares with that one.

gd, Hide and Seek is good, I watched it yesterday, it isn't terror (you expect that from the trailers), but it is a good movie nevertheless. Expect the unexpected ;)
Hmm opposite for me.

I thought the ring sucked but the Grudge worked on many many levels. Maybe one day i'll see all of it instead of covering my eyes.
Anyone know how it compares to the original? The original was good, IMO. But then, I thought that Ringu was far superior to the US re-make. :shrug:
What a disappointment. No story & the damned thing seems to be a vehicle to get to the next trailer shot.
Haven't seen it, but am considering it.

Really want to go see Ring 2 while it's still playing in theatres. Liked the first one.
I'd have been disappointed if I'd paid more than $2 to watch it.

It has a few pretty weird special effects where she's/it's crawling,
but it's not really one of those movies I'd want to see again, and again
years down the road.

It wasn't really fast paced enough for me.

I just watched "Saw", now that was more my type of movie. :nerd:
I wasnt impressed at all. Maybe I should check out the original because I found myself quickly annoyed by watching this movie about a completely Japanese horror phenomenon IN japan in which pretty white people played all the lead roles. I dont need that. Why didnt they just base it in the US then and just steal the story like they did with The Ring. That worked fine. I realize hollywood isnt going to take a chance on not having pretty familiar people in a horror movie but it made it seem forced and dumb and I immediatly had no sympathy for any of them. And it was much to plodding and slow and by the time you reach the climax its somehow anticlimatic because all thats left is filling in a few questions you have about exactly what happened and when they finally do my feeling was ok thanks thats all I wanted to know. I wasnt impressed with the effect of her watching things happen in real time but in the past either. Seemed confusing and gimicky. Did that happen in the original?
Thulsa Doom said:
Maybe I should check out the original because I found myself quickly annoyed by watching this movie about a completely Japanese horror phenomenon IN japan in which pretty white people played all the lead roles.
lol, I thought the same thing there.
I thought about getting the original, but the plot wasn't that good either really.
I thought some of it was actually funny. There were scenes that made me jump, but I didn't find them particularly scary. The boy that MEOWED - funny - that weird chicks face flating in the crack of the door - funny.

The Ring - now that was more... disturbing sorta scary to me. Not funny. I felt all messed up after seeing that one. My boyfriend was watching that movie and somewhere in the middle of it, at the EXACT SAME moment the phone rang in the movie, his phone rang. So he didn't answer the phone and he shut off the tv.

heehee... pussy.