The Guide to Getting It On


This book ( has been going around here at University of Waterloo. In fact, my roommates have read it (or parts of it), a lot of my friends have, and so on... So I borrowed my roommate's copy to start reading, put it on my bed, and oh the irony...

Today was the day our landlord decided to give 14 (yes fourteen, there were supposed to be 15 (three groups of five) but one couldn't make it) girls a tour of our apartment (for leasing next semester) and sure enough, one of them sees the book on my bed and squeals in laughter, points to it, and the rest of the girls all bursts out laughing, very loudly, VERY VERY loudly, with me getting redder than blood in my face, feeling like the sky is falling on me, and my roommate is grinning widely (it is HIS BOOK!!!)...

*runs away to beat his roommate up*
ah, I'm reading... The book is very neat. And even if you are the expert in all things sex, it still is a good read for all the interesting facts inside :D
i could read it, but then i'd need a study buddy.

<< now accepting applications for attractive women interested in helping me brush up on some things. :headbang:
cuz I blush very easily, even if someone just smiles at me in the wrong way. And having 14 girls in your room all looking at you giggling hysterically was a bit too much for me.
If you were lying on your bed in your boxers reading it, I could understand your embarassment.

Look at it this way. You just got a great introduction to 14 girls, all of whom know that you're in the market for tail, and you're not shy about educating yourself. You've got it made.
Exactly. You think girls want a guy that doesn't know how to get it on? You just pulled a perfect move. :wink2:
maybe you can say something like i jsut like trying new things and need ideas to the guys. oops i mean girls ;)