The guy who claims to have written the health care bill admits he hasn't read it

But the CEO of Ford does not claim to be the designer of those systems. Baucus claims to have written the health care bill yet he doesn't know what is in it.

"he took credit for "essentially" writing the health care bill that passed the senate."

notice the qualification. if he was the chief architect behind the key aspects of the bill, then what he claimed is accurate. but that's different from claiming full and personal authorship.

find something real to criticize, dude, because stuff like this just undercuts your overall mission to convert.
no shit the bill is totally ghey, so why bother trying to chimp on boner_max when there's something real to get upset about.

like, guys, quit undermining yourselves with the silliness.
First of all, she hasn't participated in this thread.

Second, if that was supposed to be some sort of slam at me you are wasting your time.

Try saying what you mean instead of some rhetorical bullshit.

What, exactly, were you trying to say in post #20? Are you saying you want me to list articles, tech manuals, and specifications I have written?

How about the technical guide for the Mass Memory Unit (MMU) and High Data Rate Recorder (HDRR) which goes up with the shuttle on every flight. I was the design and drafting coordinator for both projects and I co-wrote the manuals.

How about the user, specification and parts manual for the FCC certification site I designed, built, and installed in Hong Kong, China for Video Technology (V-Tech)? They still use that site to this day as far as I know.

How about guest editorial opinion pieces I have written for various newspapers in Colorado and Massachusetts?

Are those more than a couple of paragraphs?

Yes, the spec manuals for the HDRR and MMU were proof read by the check group for errors and omissions; but I wrote much of those manuals and I was responsible for the accuracy of their content.

I wrote the manual for the V-Tech job single handedly. I also produced all of the illustrations, and I was responsible for the content.

Do you need anything else; or do you still have a crying need to try to compare my writings, for which I take full responsibility, to someone who doesn't even know what they wrote?
rhetorical bullshit? obviously by the content of your response you knew exactly what i meant by the cerise comment, which was quite accurate.

so how did you go about writing all those things? what sources did you draw from? how long did each of them take? what level of positions did you hold? did you have anyone working under you? what other responsibilities did you have, that took time away from writing and review?