The Haitian Equatian [sic]


Well-Known Member
The Haiti Earthquake thread went the way of OTC... but it was discussing what happened. Time to discuss what should happen and what will happen.

The capitol and major city of Haiti, as well as the seat of power and home to nearly 1/4 of all Haitians has been decimated. There is a major exodus happening, as people who had moved to PaP to escape the nigh-poverty of agrarian Haiti are going back home.

There is a strong American Military presence in PaP, currently securing food and supplies, trying to control the airport and rebuild and secure the seaport. Food, medecine, water and other supplies are finally being allowed in. Money/donations will follow support the work that the Red Cross et al are doing to secure the people still in PaP and it's surroundings.

None of this will last more than a few months..and the reconstruction efforts will have to begin. Clearing and demolishing buildings, opening up roads and bridges will come well as re-establishing communications and electricity. Hospitals, GVT infrastructure and schools will come of the heels of that effort.
Rebuilding housing, sanitation, water filtration and businesses will come next.

Haiti will still face some serious issues in order to get back on it's feet.
It currently has issues with a lack of exports and a surplus of imports. This is the major financial problem that Haiti has. It has very high unemployment, which could get resolved if a viable export product can be found and supported. A surplus agriculture output needs to be supported, and transportation of foods between regions has to be founded. Eventually, their forests have to be replanted and an alternative cooking fuel has to be used.

My best guess would be ten years...and ten billion $$'s.

What should happen is - A: We should bring our soldiers home n the next 30 days, their job should have peaked by day-3. Let them rebuild with the help of the UN.

What should happen is - B: Ignore the UN, put a few D9's down, push PaP into the sea and make a new jetty. Let them rebuild with advice and help from private sector.

What will happen: several hundred thousand Hatains will be brought to the US and be allowed to stay. The UN will come up with expensive and corrupt plans for the US pay for. There will be great photo-ops and claim of success while the large majority of Hatian will get almost nothing from the 10's of $Billions spent. Haiti will be a fucked up third world nation with a new suit.
The marines know how to build sewers, reline power, pave roads and build hospitals?
The Marines job is to break sewers, interupt power, blow up roads and fill hospitals. I think your confused with the Peace Corp.

However, the US Military is, if allowed to, the best equipped and capable emergency humanitarian relief delivery system. I'm not against them getting shit done while 'others' get their shit together (read: very short term)

Rebuilding shit-holes wiped-out by natural disasters is NOT not the yob of the USMC, call Halliburton.
Yeah...but Cato makes it sound like they're the people who'll solve the Haitian problem. The Marines are a bandaid...stop the bleeding, but don't reset the broken leg.

I'm not talking about the present emergency measures...the rescue. I'm trying to go deeper. In 2 months, the specific emergency will be over and it'll be time to rebuild. Send the Marines home, by all means. Then what...
The marines know how to build sewers, reline power, pave roads and build hospitals?

yep, absolutely.

I'm not a fan of nation building, especially with nation we are at war in, but
basic human infrastructure in this case is a good move imo, and some big
money is already in place to be used, that won't dig into gov./taxpayer pockets particularly,
if they politicians will stay back from it, and not use it (any farther) as another ponzi,
like seems to be they nature these days.
The Marines are a bandaid...stop the bleeding, but don't reset the broken leg.
To continue off your topic.
  • The Marines are best at dumping a million red-daily-food-packs out of the back C-130's without parachutes (low-level) with-in 24 hours.
  • Dropping ~several hundred pallets of water in the first 72 hours.
  • Piping 200,000 gals of water/day from ship to shore 24 hours after the aircraft carries arrives.
  • Firing up an airport and making room (D9 can make room fairly fast)
  • Basically letting the people on the ground feel that someone is doing something by delivering the basic quickly. (a concept called "hope").
As far what Haiti does to rebuild from here. It's not really my business nor should I pay for it. The dumb UN will fuck it all up anyway. Bet they're missing all those trees and jungles they don't have.
Wouldn't the Army Corps of Engineers have been a better choice?
You've got 4ppl on the ground, 8ppl more in transit and two platoons on hold.

Right now, what you have is military case of rioting which isn't happening. You also have tons of food and water on the airbase, not doing much except garnering dust. They don't seem to be doing much right now...
Why not let the Haitian use the Haitian Army Corps of engineers? It not our job. I can see helping to save lives initially, once the UN takes control its destined to be a waste of time and money to be involved.

Yeah, Gen. Honoré say's it a clusterfuck down there. What would you expect, Obama said he committed to "help".

The UN infrastructure certainly was ready for this.


....and while there may not be any rioting, news crews have been stealing children.

The Haitians don't have an army...they have police and cost guard. They don't have a Corps of anything, much less engineers.
The Haitians don't have an army...they have police and cost guard. They don't have a Corps of anything, much less engineers.
I heard they have over 150,000 corpses. Either way, I bet they wish they had prepared a little better.

I'm not sure how its our responsibility to rebuild Haiti. I'm sure the UN will take up the cause and graft as much out of the deal as they can. But IF we get involved we need to lead.
There is a lot of positive attitude among the Haitians and they are not waiting for their government to step up to fix things for them. They are waiting only for the OK from the engineers to rebuild. People are singing praises in the field for the earthquake because Haiti will be finally get a fresh start.

What I hope will happen for them is that countries volunteer their expertise, equipment, and supplies (as needed) to the rebuilding of Haiti along with it's infrastructure. Make it better than it was. They need a leg up, not a hand out.
OK from the engineers? Haiti has no bulding codes. Why do they need an ok?
Thank heavens Spike is still locked away Ha ha!

Yeah Gonz sometimes pointing out the obvious
is good for a laugh Thx for that.

It is amazing how a few pieces of rebar will make all the difference
between something that stands up or falls straight down.