The health care Caucasian tax

Yes, we should all accept our White guilt and take our place as the racial whipping boys of the world. We should admit that we are all evil and horrible and that every race on the face of the Earth is vastly superior to us -- even those who never even invented the wheel. We are vile nasty parasites which should be wiped from the Earth to make way for real humans.

oh, the drama. yes jim, white guilt. it must be horrible being you. perhaps you should write some more about this guilt thing. maybe then i could understand the pains that you feel. because i really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. but, then, you seem to think about this race thing far more than i do. far, far more.

sure, i've heard the term "white guilt," but, you know, i've never FELT it.

that more white people use tanning beds is incidental to this whole thing. perhaps you should get upset with various governmental and non-governmental agencies for targeting blacks with respect to certain medical conditions, because, incidentally, blacks do have notably higher incidences of certain conditions. so any effort relative to those conditions MUST BE aimed at blacks, to oppress them, just like taxing idiots who use cancer beds is aimed at tapping into YOUR WHITE GUILT.

it's all a big plot to make older white guys feel terrible about themselves and their ancestors' haircuts.
Is whitey tax part of ....

wow. a thousand different angles on the oppression of the anglo-american male. must take a lot of time and attention to think up all that shit. and focus. lotsa focus.
It's concept of the left that cutting welfare is racist. While you may not have asserted that, I'm wondering if you agree with it. (note the "?" at the end of the question)
the question mark does nothing like you're suggesting in that sentence.


whether or not i agree with some on the left that cutting welfare is racist - and just for your satisfaction, i don't - has nothing to do with the ridiculousness of "tanning bed tax as picking on the white guy." the latter is its own assertion and has no need for accessorizing.

you might want to read up on the differences between substantive and formal arguments. because this thread offers but a formal argument of the thinnest variety.
Thanks for the advice Minx, but I much prefer common sense and gestalt type arguments over advanced pseudointellectual rules of engagement.

OK, we'll not comparatively look at the dynamics of the racist question if you like.

So. How is a tax on a darkening service for lightly pigmented people not a tax predominantly on the cracker race?

Personally, I give shit either way. I've never used a tanning bed, they make people smell funny. I'm just applying the sociopolitical values and patterns held by the left and race dependent politics.
i'm fine with taxing STUPID PEOPLE. if they happen to be white, in an incidental sort of way, i don't really care.

anyone who thinks someone out there is drawing up plans to intentionally tax white people more is... well... chasing figments.