The issues 2008

Abortion- a necessary procedure sometimes- it probably saved my Mama's life
Budget& Spending- I keep my checkbook balanced and live within my means, why can't the Gummint?
Civil Rights- we are supposed to all have 'em equally- nobody is special- we are all humans here
Corporations/Regulation- since they have not been capable of regulating themselves, the Gummint has to step in and do it, otherwise we get dangerous products and by-products like pollution. I like making a quick buck as much as the next guy, but you have to look at long-term effects and leave a little something for future generations.
Crime& Punishment- one is supposed to fit the other, right now they don't
Drug Policy- remove the outrageous profits, Repeal Prohibition. Duh
Education- I'll never mind paying my fair share of taxes if it does some child some good
Energy Policy- there are cleaner sources, we've just got to get the transition started. Mixed feelings about atomic energy. Still trying to make up my mind there.
Environment- it's all we've got, folks- if we shit our bed, we can't just change the sheets
Family Values- uuhh, well I value MY family, but if you mean some sort of hypocrite moral standard? Stuff it! "Do unto others as you would have them treat you" is the only "moral guide" we as individuals need.
Foreign Policy- see "Do unto others" again
Gun Control- I like my firearms and I keep them under control.
Health Care- Quit punishing people for being poor. Not everyone can keep up with the Joneses. Besides, I know a few wealthy people who have received sub-standard medical attention. Get rid of incompetent doctors. Also, the AMA has way too much influence.
Immigration- We need to be consistent on this. Don't allow immigrants to come here and work if you're going to turn around and treat them like criminals. Most of the ones I've met just want to make an honest buck. Either let them or don't let 'em in to begin with.
Iraq & Terror- Apparently, there's a lot of profit for somebody in both.
Jobs and Unemployment- something is busted when people have to commute 40-50 miles to get gainful employment
LGTB Rights- what does the acronym stand for?
National Security- would be a lot easier and cheaper if we didn't go around the planet sticking our peckers in all those hornets nests
Oversight and Reform- Gummints is made up of people- most of whom will take a little graft and line their pockets if they think they can get away with it, so you always need oversight
Social Security- most of the folks who complain about this dun are the ones who would leave their elders to freeze to death on a glacier, but want their descendants to take good care of them in their "Golden Years"
Stem Cell Research- don't know much about it, not qualified to answer
Tax Policy- Don't mind paying my fair share, just wish others would pony up, too. Forget baseball and football, our national past-times seem to be wasting food and dodging taxes!
Technology/ Infrastructure- we need to invest more in both
Trade & Globalization- more of the former, less of the latter
Welfare and Poverty- some folks are just poor and it's not their fault- would you just let 'em starve or freeze? Just because I'm an able-bodied alpha male who can work any job he wants doesn't make me any better than that old lady down the street.
She has worked hard all her life and barely has 2 nickels to rub together. Not her fault. It is up to us smart and healthy ones in the tribe to take care of the kids, the aged, the sick and crippled. They can make a contribution, in their own ways, if just given a chance.
Thanks for this thread- we need to work on things of substance
LGBT is: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered - what it boils down to is equality of services regardless of sexual orientation or "same-sex marriage, same-sex partner legal/medical rights" issues.
Oh- well here's one straight fella who thinks those folks ought to have the same basic rights as the rest of us. As Frank Zappa said- "You are what you is and you ain't what you ain't"
I'm not an American, but if I were, this'd be my take of these issues.

* Abortion Anti-abortion, pro-choice. I don’t like the thought of abortion being one of the primary methods of birth control. Increase sex-ed as early as possible to avoid the abortion decision as much as possible.
* Budget & Spending – Drive down the deficit, reduce pork-barrel spending, reduce size of red-taped bureaucracy.
* Civil Rights – equality for all regardless of age, gender, race, religion, etc etc… blind the laws.
* Corporations/Regulation – remove corporate welfare, strenghthen laws/close loopholes that allow corps to rape the people, make enormous profits and still get welfare.
* Crime & Punishment- 1/2/3 law. Get caught once doing a crime..face regular sentencing, twice caught, double it. Three-times etc… Bring back death penalty for certain cases…on a case-by-case basis.
* Drug Policy – legalize personal use marijuana, squash other forms ruthlessly.
* Education – increase teaching of teachers. Reduce size of classes. Bring back ‘failure’ in classes.
* Energy Policy – Nuclear, hydro, wind power to power homes and businesses. Force auto-manufacturers to shit or get off the pot when it comes to dual-energy/electric cars.
* Environment – tighten emission standards for corps: water, air, soil pollution.
* Family Values – Free couple counseling for ‘failing’ marriages, see above re: sex ed to counter teen pregnancy, tax rebates for intact families.
* Foreign Policy – Peace making vs. war-making. Help support 3rd world nations economically so that they don’t disintegrate into potential enemies in the future.
* Gun Control – restrict types of firearms owned. Remove semi-automatic and fully automatic guns from list of protected weapons. They’re useless for hunting and overkill for self-defence.
* Health Care – universal healthcare – yes, it does work.
* Immigration – reduce waiting times for people who want to immigrate so that they’re not tempted to cross over illegally. Remove those who are illegal and are criminally inclined post-jail time. Seize their stuff, sell it at auction and keep the proceeds. Help the positive-effect illegal aliens apply for legal immigration.
* Iraq & "War on Terror" – It was a bad idea to go in there in the first place. Clean up, give the Iraqis back the reigns, warn them what would happen if we have to come back and go after the real terrorists.
* Jobs & Unemployment – re-education programs free for those who want to return to the workforce, grants to those companies that help people get off the welfare teat.
* LGBT Rights – equality means equality.
* National Security – re-examine wire-tap laws, search-seizure laws to better reflect human rights as written in the constitution. Start leading by example when it comes to places like Gitmo.
* Oversight & Reform – transparency, transparency, transparency.
* Social Security – protect those who helped build the economy to the powerhouse it is now.
* Stem Cell Research – remove blockages to financing before the USA falls behind the tech curve and some schmo in China discovers the cure for AIDS/MS/Cerebral palsy and holds the world as a financial hostage for it.
* Tax Policy – trickle down doesn’t work. Shift the tax-rate curve upwards to tax the poor less and the filthy rich, more. Close tax-loopholes.
* Technology/Infrastructure – The USA designs some of the best in the world, but places like China and India are building/profiting off the research. Increased spending to go from innovation to production in-house.
* Trade & Globalization – Free-trade works. The bigger the market, the better it works.
* Welfare & Poverty – See above re: welfare.
Oh, here's an issue that I have an issue with- we have ships in the Black Sea packin' Nukes- the Rooskies have a nuclear sub in the friggin' Carribean. It's all fun and games until some hoople-head presses the button and a bunch of humans disappear in a twelve-pack of mushroom clouds. I trust the Rooskies to do the right thang and keep their cool about as much as I trust me own Gummint to do so- i. e.- none !
Can't seem to make the link here, but Google "A Conversation with Sam Nunn"
I didn't read the links, just answered to points.

  • Abortion...Limited Pro Choice. First 12 weeks only.
  • Budget & Spending...Balanced & limited to Constitutionally specified options.
  • Civil're kidding right? We the People. No additions to that.
  • Corporations/Regulation...keep the government out of our way. Let the market decide.
  • Crime & Punishment...Do the crime, get punished.
  • Drug Policy...Legalize it all. Tax the hell out of it. DO NOT pay for rehab/ER care. Ya play the game, ya takles yer chances.
  • Education...not the job of the federal government. Close the Dept of Education. Keep Uncle Sam out of local schools (except in history/civics classes)
  • Energy Policy...not the job of the feds. Drill here, drill now, save money.
  • Environment..what about it? Again, not their job.
  • Family Values...states rights.
  • Foreign Policy...way to broad an issue for a one liner.
  • Gun Control
    Amendment II

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
    need we say more?

  • Health Care...Not the job of the feds.
  • Immigration...For it. Illegal aliens ought to be deported & have all further opportunities denied. ONe strike.
  • Iraq & "War on Terror" them.
  • Jobs & Unemployment...Give that man a job. Just don't allow the feds to interfere.
  • LGBT Rights...none, save We the People
  • National Security...Now there's a federal job. All for it.
  • Oversight & Reform...huh?
  • Social Security...end it.
  • Stem Cell Research...not the governements job.
  • Tax low as possible.
  • Technology/Infrastructure...This may fall under the came guidlines as roads (which is a government job). It also may fall under telecommunications, which isn't. Needs specifics.
  • Trade & Globalization...Another federal job. The President is assigned th eduty to make treaties. Let him & then let it be debated, as prescribed.
  • Welfare & Poverty...allow it to flourish, which will assist those in poverty. (Teach a man to fish)
-Abortion...Only in cases of rape or incest.
-Budget and Spending...Spend no more than what you bring in, and strictly adhere to the Constitution when doing so.
-Civil Rights...Enforce the 14th Amendment.
-Corporations/Regulations...go back to the regs of 20 years ago, and ban lawsuits for anything except gross negligence. If you're not smart enough to keep your toaster out of the tub, you deserve the consequences of your actions.
-Crime and Punishment...Death penalty for every crime over a misdemeanor commited by any person over the age of 18...and no changing definitions in order to protect those with 'influence'.
-Drug Policy...Make posession of any illegal narcotics a felony, and see above.
-Education...Bring back corporal punishment, and 'failure' to the system. Self-esteem is secondary to a good education.
-Energy Policy...Keep it local and keep it as clean as possible.
-Environment...Keep it local and keep it as clean as possible.
-Family Values...Make divorce illegal except in cases of abuse, abandonment, or infidelity. If you want to leave, you get nothing but your freedom.
-Foreign Policy...Isolationist until we have our own house in order.
-Gun Control...Non-military for public use. Any violation of said rule will be a felony...see Crime and Punishment ;)
-Health Care...Its not the government's job to keep you healthy
-Immigration...We have it already. Illegal immigration should be a felony. Once again, see Crime and Punishment.
-Iraq and "War on Terror"...Don't start shooting without a formal declaration of war. Make Congress do their job correctly, and stop pussyfooting around and using the military for political gain.
-Jobs and Unemployment...Its not the governments job to see that you are gainfully employed. That's up to you.
-LGBT Rights...They aren't looking for Rights, they are looking for acceptance. They already have the same rights.
-National Security...Take care of our borders with deadly force if needs be.
-Social Security...Put it back into trust, instead of in the general fund and use it as intended.
-Stem Cell Research...Not the Government's job.
-Tax Policy...Increase to cover the debt, and cut spending to minimize payout time.
-Technology/Infrastructure...Since most of our modern technology came from DoD projects, and most of our Infrastructure was created for DoD use, no problem.
-Trade and Globalization...No problems with the status quo.
-Welfare and Poverty...Once again, it's not the governments job to feed you or house you. Thats your job.
Abortion - only for rape incest or saving the mothers life
Budget & Spending - make the goverment live liek the rest of us, can't spend more than you have. when youre out of money you stop buying.
Civil Rights - in favor of them, applied equally to everyone though not just minorites. We are equal or we are unequal, not both at a whim.
Corporations/Regulation - free enterprise system works
Crime & Punishment - get tougher on crime. fire up the electric chairs for murderers and rapist.
Drug Policy - if its illegal then enforce it.
Education - I'm for it.
Energy Policy - drill. develop aternative fuels responsibly. then drill some more
Environment - protect it
Family Values - I'm for them
Foreign Policy - close the borders to illegals, take care of our own first, and no more policemen for the planet
Gun Control - I'm against it. gun control means hitting what you shoot at
Health Care - I'm for it but not from the government. They screw everything up
Immigration - legal is OK, illegal is a crime
Iraq & "War on Terror" - Iraq needs to take more responsibility in Iraq. Terrorrists should be hunted down and eliminated
Jobs & Unemployment - unemployment benfits for a short time (6 months) with proof of looking for work then no more check. its not my job to feed your family
LGBT Rights - human rights and no more. no special treatment
National Security - I'm for it
Oversight & Reform - make the goverment what it used to be instead of all eliteism people
Social Security - privitize it
Stem Cell Research - I'm against it
Tax Policy - theyre too high. read my lips no new taxes.
Technology/Infrastructure - I'm for it
Trade & Globalization - they have to buy ours before they can sale theirs here. Bring more jobs back here so American citizens can have the jobs
Welfare & Poverty - same as unemployment. Help those who truely can't work like disabled the rest need to get a job and take care of themselfs
* Abortion: I'm with Bish..."Anti-abortion, pro-choice. I don’t like the thought of abortion being one of the primary methods of birth control. Increase sex-ed as early as possible to avoid the abortion decision as much as possible."
* Budget & Spending – Balance the budget, lower the deficit, quit throwing away money in Iraq, cut off aid to Israel, quit subsidizing oil companies.
* Civil Rights – Equality for all regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual preference,etc. Agree with Bish again.
* Corporations/Regulation – "remove corporate welfare, strenghthen laws/close loopholes that allow corps to rape the people, make enormous profits and still get welfare." I'll add regulate business that could have an effect adverse effect on people's health or the environment.
* Crime & Punishment- More focus on corporate crime,
* Drug Policy – Legalize marijuan, regulate it like alcohol
* Education – More funding for schools and higher pay for teachers. It's the nations future.
* Energy Policy – The time for alternative energy is now.
* Environment – "tighten emission standards for corps: water, air, soil pollution." Agree again
* Family Values – Is defined differently for different people.
* Foreign Policy – "Peace making vs. war-making. Help support 3rd world nations economically so that they don’t disintegrate into potential enemies in the future." I'll add that investing in 3rd world nations can be quite profitable. The portion of my 401k that's in Emerging Markets is doing very well.
* Health Care – "universal healthcare – yes, it does work." Hell yeah, our existing system is broken and built on a faulty premise. Healthy people aren't profitable, repeat customers are.
* Immigration – Make it easier to immigrate legally or get work visas. Rhen tax them.
* Iraq & "War on Terror" – "It was a bad idea to go in there in the first place. Clean up, give the Iraqis back the reigns, warn them what would happen if we have to come back and go after the real terrorists." We're wasting a fortune, stretching our military to the breaking point, making people serve multiple tours they didn't sign up for, and getting too many soldiers killed or maimed in a farce.
* Jobs & Unemployment – We need incentives to keep jobs here and for creating new jobs here. There also needs to be opportunities for re-training for inductries that have died or left.
* LGBT Rights – "equality means equality." That means they can be in the military, same sex couples can marry, and that they get the same rights as straight people or opposite sex couples.
* National Security – No more wire-tapping, strip the Patriot Act or get rif of it, no more torture, restore our freedoms and the vision of the founders. Focus security where it's important. Shit, I was able to cross the border without ID until last year.
* Oversight & Reform – "transparency, transparency, transparency."
* Social Security – I'm for it.
* Stem Cell Research – "remove blockages to financing before the USA falls behind the tech curve and some schmo in China discovers the cure for AIDS/MS/Cerebral palsy and holds the world as a financial hostage for it."
* Tax Policy – "trickle down doesn’t work. Shift the tax-rate curve upwards to tax the poor less and the filthy rich, more. Close tax-loopholes."
* Trade & Globalization – Free trade can be good but also causes problems. There's a huge amount of waste and environmental side effects when you ship something from halfway across the world that we could have made here. Buy local when you can and go to farmers markets.
* Welfare & Poverty – Welfare and unemployment are setup so that often there's barely any financial benefit to working your way off of them. They need to be rethought.