the journey.(long but kick ass)


Well-Known Member
I went to see gwar last nite. it was a strange adventure.

we arrived at about 8:00. plenty of freaks arround sporitng the classic metal t-shirts and long hair. many people had gwar shirts on. and i thought...hadn't anyone learned anything form pcu?
What is this? You're going to wear the shirt of the band you're going to see? Don't be that guy.
soon first band began. i don't know what they called themselves but i would hardly call them a band myself. basically the singer screamed when ever he was talking to the crowd so no one could understand what the fuck he was saying. then they started playing. same stereotypical metal sound. then the singing started. holy shit that guy coudl scream. he would go from the deep growth to the high pitched scream. this guy had a real talent. unfortunatley he sounded like he made up the lyrics(if you call them lyrics) as he went along. nothing went with the music. probaly the worst thing about this noise pollution is that they had it cranked way too fuckin loud. so me and my friend backed off and had a seat.

next came the 2nd band...they too played loud and were not that exciting. they where called bloodlet. but i will give them credit, at least they could create songs that sounded like they where songs. and not a bunch of angry teens going off "metal style". we came up to watch them closer for the last 2 songs. nothing too exciting in my opinion.

now was the momenyt that gwar's crew set the stage up. the drumset was like 4 feet about the rest of the stage and the mic stands where set like 6 feet high. while gwar was setting up i took the time to study the people around me. as i looked around i realized why i dont' really like metal and why i never go to the shows. there were 10 year old kids running around...and the "metal freaks" as i like to call them. these guys i swear some of these people have been put on this earth jsut to act like complete jackasses. they have like 5 second attention spans and are totally loud and abnoxious. every time the speakers stoped playing some crappy metal song between sets everyone would yea gwar like 3 times then get tired of it. it was rather funny. they would give the classic "metal sign" with both hands and yell really loud. they are so cool.
then i looked behind me only to find a fuckin coke head busting up rocks in a little plastic baggie and snorting the power off his car keys. god i hate these godamn junkies.
at least they played a few minor threat songs before gwar was gonna start. ironic that they played the song straight edge yet all i could do was see people gettin drunk and high. oh and they where singin along.

Well finally after about 15 minutes of people yelling GWAR!!! and annoying the shit outta me gwar entered. god thier costumes are hilaarious. as soon as they come out their little lackies(dudes covered in blood that don't play instraments) cam out carring this body that looked like a girl and they carried a kinfe. then they started stabbing it repeatedly as fake blood sprayed all over the crowd. it was an excellent start. Gwar finished the opening song then went on to the next tune. then i realized, although gwar isn't really a band you think of for thier music..after hearing some of the other shit the other bands played gwar sounded pretty cool. on about their 3rd song they brought out everyone's favorite guy...sadam hussien!!...well sadam danced as the badn sang their song about him. then sadam pulled out his giant penis and peed all over the word decribes it. hilarious. during the next song the singer brought out this gun that sprays blood. that gun had quite the range as it hit me and i was standing a ways back. the next song they brought out mike tyson. mike battled the lackeys but they just couldn't take him, soon the chick member of gwar came out and kcked some ass. after laying the smackdown she grabbed a sword and cut off tyson's hands. blood started spurting out all over everyone. and one of the lackey's picked up his giant hands(wearing boxing gloves) and started beating him up with them. it was awsome. then they got swords and started stabbing mike with even more blood flying out everywhere. it was quite the sight. during the next some the chick came out and cut off the lead singer's giant pee-pee. he yelled in pain but continued singing the song(what a performer!!!) the chick took the penis and shot fake pee all over everyone. i don't knwo how that thing held so much fake pee as it seemed to spray out forever. they really have some cool props.

over then next couple songs i started to watch some of the guys in the pit. they are much different from the guys in the pit at the shows i normally go to. these guys seemed to all hate each other. i saw a particular two seemed to get more and more pissed when ever they touched each other. soon a fight broke out. security soon broke it up. these metal heads are so lame. various other people got dragged away by security include some jackass the ran into me and went into the pit...soon i saw a girl say somehting to a security guy and a few min later i saw about 6 of them drag the fucker out...they even had him in a choke hold. about damn time these jackasses that do stupid shit like harass girls or run into me like that, get what they deserve.

anyways back to the show. during another song they brought out this wheel and a body they strapepd the body to the wheel and started ripping it open and pulling organs out with blood spraying the whole time. it was ok. the next song is where gwar brought out their most impressive prop. it was a giant t-rex. it was huge. probaly like 15 feet high. soon everyone but the guitar playes and the drummer had a sword,axe or club and where battling the vicous beast. they kept stabing it. they even stabed through the top of it's mouth.. the dinasour dripped tons of blood from it's teeth as it bit one different people. finally after the dinasour took enough abuse it retrreated. then sadam returned. this time the singer grabbed his face and ripped it off leaving sadam with no face,, just spraying blood everywhere. soon the chick came out agian but this time with fire...she danced around with it and breathed some too.

around this time some dude behind me offered me a joint. i politely refused. but i felt happy at the same least i don't look like a narc or somthing. probaly the first kind act some metal head attemped at that show. too bad i am not a damn hippy stoner.

gwar played a few more songs and fought a few more monsters then the show ended :( as my firend and i left we realize just how much fake blood and piss covered out shirts. then we both commented on how entertaing that was and we left.

so inconclusion on a sacle from 1 - 10 i give the first band a rating of
1 - possible the worst sounds i have ever heard compnig from a band.
bloodlet gets a rating of
3 - they played songs. real songs. boring songs.
gwar gets a rating of
8 - their music is nothing more than ok. but their show is entertainng as hell. i highly recomend going to check it out despite the complete human waste you will encounter. my friend said he would put them in his top 5 for performances. i don't know it gwar would make my top 5 , but i would defenetly try to see them again and i certainly enjoyed them.

my journey is over. and my shirt is bloodstained.
You know, i've always hated those little headbangers. :hairbang: Most people look like Idiots when they do it anyway. Don't get me wrong, i love my deathmetal. but i never once put on a pair of black pants. One question though, is GWAR a clean band
(drug free)?
i don't know. they don't really seem serious about anything metal. i would image if they took off the costumes they would be normal people...but for most "metal" bands they always seem to be stuck in dickhead mode. but then again i don't know.
Actually i saw them on a talk show once and they seemed like really loud and aggressive people(duh). Basically all i heard them saying was that what hey did was better than real war. I Give them that much.
what they do is so obviously fake i don't know how anyone could object to it more than a bad horror movie.
People tend to fear what they don't understand, especially if it involves blood and guts. I understand why some people would be mortified by it but i don't see it the same way.
The generation gap has expanded exponentually.
tonite i am going to another show...too bad it probaly won't have as good of a story..not that anyone would read it anyways. i like typing to myslef as a watch battlebots.

actually i hate battel bots.
i am pissed. i drove 30 miles there and back only to find out the show was sold out. they never sell out at that club leat i didn't pay for parking.

it was gonna be a good show too :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :grumpy: :grumpy: :mad2: :grumpy: :mad2: :mad2: :grumpy: :grumpy: