The just desserts


molṑn labé
Staff member
got spoiled.

SPANAWAY, Wash. -- A 12-year-old boy who was firing bottle rockets at cars was chased into traffic Friday by an angry driver and killed by another car, authorities said.

The driver and his passenger, both 22, were arrested for investigation of manslaughter, the Washington State Patrol said.


Should he have died? Questionable. Should the other be charged? Hell no.
Actions have consequences. Getting your butt chased down by an irate target is a minimal expected retribution. Running out into traffic was the kids decision. Its merely one bad decision followed by another bad decision. He paid for it on both accounts.
Gonz said:
Should he have died? Questionable. Should the other be charged? Hell no.

Harsh penalty for shooting bottle rockets at cars, maybe. I agree that no charges should have been filed.
The driver and his passenger, both 22,
were arrested for investigation of manslaughter, the Washington State Patrol said.


hooked on phonics heh heh
C'Mon the death penalty for shooting bottle rockets?
Assaulting a minor isn't a prudent action for an adult, is it?

Now if these kids were shooting RPG's that would be another matter entirely :rofl:
I'm all for naturally occurring consequences for behaviors. If some twerp decided to endanger my life by shooting bottle rockets at me or my vehicle as I was driving it, I can't say I would chase him with my truck. I might get out, chase him down, and haul his ass to the nearest police station though, and press every criminal and civil charge on the books against him and his negligent parents.

That didn't happen though. One person, old enough to know better, made a decision to endanger the lives of several people for kicks. His action caused a reaction. The reaction caused a second decision on his part. That decision got him killed. Is the driver liable for this? Not in my book. But Washington state is pretty PC, so I'll lay a ten spot on the driver getting charged and either criminally convicted or civilly raped for causing the death of this little cherub.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm all for naturally occurring consequences for behaviors. If some twerp decided to endanger my life by shooting bottle rockets at me or my vehicle as I was driving it, I can't say I would chase him with my truck. I might get out, chase him down, and haul his ass to the nearest police station though, and press every criminal and civil charge on the books against him and his negligent parents.

That didn't happen though. One person, old enough to know better, made a decision to endanger the lives of several people for kicks. His action caused a reaction. The reaction caused a second decision on his part. That decision got him killed. Is the driver liable for this? Not in my book. But Washington state is pretty PC, so I'll lay a ten spot on the driver getting charged and either criminally convicted or civilly raped for causing the death of this little cherub.
Heck, I was surprised the headline didn't read, "Young Boy Chased Into Traffic."
The private gatherings became public when a 45-year-old Seattle man died after having sex with an Arabian stallion.

A man and a stallion??? Somehow, I don't think it was the horse taking it up the arse either. WTF is wrong with you people?
For this guy's sake, he better hope there isn't an afterlife. Can you imagine trying to explain this one away on judgement day?
SouthernN'Proud said:
For this guy's sake, he better hope there isn't an afterlife. Can you imagine trying to explain this one away on judgement day?
Well...the day that I died. I was feeling a little horse...