The KGB is back in action


molṑn labé
Staff member

Russia vs Georgia. Let the expansion begin.
Anybody see the footage of those Hind helicopters blasting that high-rise? Jeez!
i didn't realize the KGB used tanks. though that was the russian army. but "KGB" sounds more sinister. so let's stick with it.
War became unavoidable in the Caucasus when Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili sent the country's military to "liberate" the autonomous region of South Ossetia from its Moscow-backed local authorities. While Georgia and Russia bear principal responsibility for a conflict that both have been courting for years, the United States also shares the blame. And now America's interests will suffer, not only in Georgia and the former Soviet Union but around the world.

TBILISI, GEORGIA - Russia pressed its invasion of Georgia by land, sea and air for a third day Sunday, striking far beyond contested South Ossetia as the Kremlin brushed aside a cease-fire offer and disputed Georgia's claim to have pulled its forces out of the rebel enclave.
Russian jets bombed near Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, including civilian housing, military bases, factories and the international airport, according to Georgia officials. Russian warships also deployed off the Black Sea coast, sinking a Georgian missile boat that approached them, state-run Russian news media said.
Russian troops and tanks, meanwhile, took control of Tskhinvali, the devastated capital of South Ossetia, according to Russian state-run media, and there were reports that an armored column tried to push out of the separatist enclave's boundary toward the city of Gori, in Georgia, before being turned back by Georgian forces.
The military campaign also expanded, with Russian troops entering Abkhazia, another separatist Georgian province.
President Bush, speaking early today in Beijing, sharply criticized Moscow's military moves, saying the violence is unacceptable.
In an interview with NBC, Bush said, "I've expressed my grave concern about the disproportionate response of Russia and that we strongly condemn the bombing outside of South Ossetia."
"While Georgia and Russia bear principal responsibility..."- Mr. Bishop

Wish I could take credit for that one :)

The war in South Ossetia must be understood for what it really is -- Georgia's one-sided escalation of the conflict. This places full responsibility for the bloodshed on Georgia's side. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's decision to send in heavy equipment and artillery late Thursday led to large civilian casualties in South Ossetia.

In all likelihood, the opportunistic Saakashvili saw the opening day of the Olympics in Beijing on Friday as his best chance for a successful blitzkrieg against recalcitrant South Ossetia. He also wagered that Russia's reaction would not be fast or powerful enough to stop Georgian divisions from seizing a large part of the unrecognized republic under their control, or from forcing the civilian population to flee through the Roki Tunnel into neighboring North Ossetia.

Russia's response turned out to be timely and effective. It brought to a halt Georgia's wanton murder of civilians in South Ossetia and the bombing of its villages. The Georgian forces that had savagely destroyed Tskhinvali and surrounding towns were routed.

He said - Russia

The terms placed on Georgia by Russia -- that it not only withdraw its troops from separatist South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but also "from other areas of Georgia from which they can shell and bomb the region" -- are by rights demands that should also be adhered to by the neighbourhood bully itself. Russia has lost any tenuous claim to be a peacekeeper in the Caucasus. As a belligerent in five days of warfare within Georgia's internationally recognized borders, Russia's military can only be viewed as an occupying force. It must withdraw from Georgia (including South Ossetia and Abkhazia) to make way for genuine international peacekeepers.
The demands placed on Georgia by Russia are outrageous and hypocritical in light of its attack on Georgian sovereignty. More so, given the mounting evidence to suggest President Mikheil Saakashvili was enticed into the conflict. Russian forces and their client militias gave provocation ahead of the outbreak of fighting, creating every appearance that Russia staged the conflict, with Mr. Saakashvili imprudently playing along.
She said - Georgia

The Truth
the United States also shares the blame

We're always to blame. BOO-HOO- It's all our fault.

Put a KGB man in as head of state then have him up his power base & create an oligarchy & all the worlds a stage.

Hey Europe, he's your problem. Why not solve it before he renames Croatia after a piss poor car & then comes for you.