The king is in his counting house


molṑn labé
Staff member
President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.

In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillion -- $2.8 trillion in 2000 dollars, which sets a benchmark for comparison. That fiscal year covered the last three-and-a-half months of George W. Bush's term and the first eight-and-a-half months of Obama's.

That price tag came with a $1.4 trillion deficit, nearly $1 trillion more than last year. The overall budget was about a half-trillion more than Bush's for 2008, his final full fiscal year in office.

Here, in case you missed it
$3,520,000,000,000....that's a lot of zeroes.

Fair & balanced
How is it possible to spend a record $3.52 trillion dollars? Do we get an itemized receipt?


"I've got 3 more years and records are made to be broken!"
EPA...not Constitutional
HUD...not Constitutional
DoE...not Constitutional
DoL...not Constitutional
DoA...not Constitutional
HHS...not Constitutional
SSA...not Constitutional

Corp of Engineers...questionable
I do feel NASA is something that Gov't should heavily promote, private sector also needs to be in the game heavier.

Being that Global Warming is inevitable, Solar induced Global Warming that is, we will need to get off this rock at some point.

If we could just get back to enumerated powers we would solve many of the problems that ill our society.

NASA is good shit
NASA is questionable because the private sector wouldn't need to spend a gazillion dollars, per launch.

However, having that much money & the goodies that have come from the space program, along with the Constitutional clause "To promote the Progress of Science" puts it in a probable area.
We'll just print more.

The U.S. government could take a lesson from
all those manufacturers that decided to pull
out of Formula One Racing.
When the play money dries up
you stop playing, ya sure as fuc don’t
go on a shopping spree and put it all ‘on the card’.

The idiots have our credit cards and are going nutz.
Dunno anything about scripture. After years of looking into our system, it seems I'm one in a minority who understands that it was designed to bolster the individual, not the state.
that shit was outdated long before the clone wars. keep your archaic religion. me, i'm cruising for burgers in daddy's new car.
the crows be pickin' at your flesh... and ya got no control of the siti-ation.
good riddance baby.

[i have a signed copy of that album.]