the last 11 replies ...

I'm here!
I'm just admiring my new computer. My parents bought it for me cos of my exam results. Mufu put it together while I was away...

I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

No more crappy laptop! No more crashing! (Or not so much crashing anyway...)
Nice flat screen...mmmmm...
Nice new mouse...yey!

Hell yeah. I've got a new computer, who cares about fish!? :D

Do I go to hell for saying that???[/siz]


i'm sorry, ris isn't here right now, please leave messsage after the beep

Hey, ris, just Scanty here...
I was just calling you say GET UP AND POST YOU LAZY MOTHER FU - [/siz]

*machine cuts off*[/siz]
I'm here too...but I'm so tired, and it's late around here....well, actually it's 23:00 but I haven't slept more than 4 hrs per night the last week, and also a few times only 2 hours. And I had to work all week + weekend....blah

Anyway, I'm off! Goodbye and see you tomorrow :)