The latest "Body stuck in windshield" story

Dradeen was not charged because there was no way he could have seen Markert, Miller said.

"The pedestrian was wearing dark clothing. ... It was pitch black dark," Miller said.

I guess they don't use headlights in Florida.
There's a road that I take a lot on my way to and from my parent's and sister's houses, it's called Ocean Parkway. It's sandwiched between the ocean and the bay on the other side and isn't really a high traffic road at night. There's a few miles where there are no lights, no parking lots, no buildings, nothing. But since there's traffic going the other way and nothing in the middle of the median, you can't use your brights. I know what darkness like that is, and I could understand not seeing something dark before it hits your headlights. But once it does, don't you react and try to avoid it?

I'd like to see pictures of the road during daylight and night. I don't think that will happen though. And how do they know how fast he was going-there were no witnesses mentioned. All the have to go on is the physiology of the damage to the man and that's a hell of a lot of damage.
Maybe there were skidmarks to help them guess-timate the speed...

There is some hella dark roads out here too when you get outside the city. Maybe its just me, but I was always taught to drive according to the conditions, which means not overdriving your headlights. Still, 45 isn't that fast...its usually as fast as I go when I'm in the country at night.
45 mph would do about that amount of damage to a person.
i wonder if the pedsetrian was walking on the side of the road a bit too far into the road. was there oncoming traffic when he got hit?
there have been a couple of times i narrowly missed pedestrians because of oncoming cars on pooly lit roads. the only thing that saved them was white socks.
i tried to read the article, but the link wasn't working for some reason.
In California, the Highway Patrol is actually the state police. I'd guess that in Florida it's the same deal.
Re: The latest

freako104 said:
ive seen those around mostly suburbs and big cities. and not even cities have those much. though the pedestrians have the right of way they should still think about what theyre doing as well.

Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks. If you jaywalk, cross against the light, or step out from between parked cars, you do not have the right of way. Most folks (over 99%) stop to let someone cross in the scenerios I mentioned, but, legally, you could run them over because, outside of crosswalks, sidewalks, and stoplights, motor vehicle have the right of way. ;)
Re: The latest

Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks.
Golly, wouldn't that make sense. Where I grew up (Upstate NY) the pedestrian always had the right of way. Pain in the ass morons would step into traffic anywhere.
Re: The latest

Gato_Solo said:
Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks. If you jaywalk, cross against the light, or step out from between parked cars, you do not have the right of way. Most folks (over 99%) stop to let someone cross in the scenerios I mentioned, but, legally, you could run them over because, outside of crosswalks, sidewalks, and stoplights, motor vehicle have the right of way. ;)

you could run them over but think of it this way. you just ran them over. if they dont die theyll make you pay up ;)