how is it that injury and malady just seem to follow some folks - certain classes of folks - around? not even necessarily those that work(ed) in jobs where one could easily become injured.
my friend has five acres out in the hinterlands south of here. says a good chunk of the people out there are missing fingers and/or otherwise fucked up, disabled, et cetera. but hey at least they get their checks... and prescriptions...
My experience is similar. Engineers are the worst, followed by an assortment of other white collar middle management folks. I've never seen such a bunch of pussies in my life. "I'd like to help, but I've got a bad back", "my hips are bad,", "my knees are blown out". Well, shit, Sherlock, perhaps if you'd get off your ass & use your muscles, they might get better. The more sitting, the worse the condition.
On the other hand, the real blue collar folks (especially farmers) get off their ass & do shit from dawn to dusk, even with those missing fingers/hands/feet/whatever. Instead of whining about it hurting, they "just do it".
The ones that cut their fingertip & go for disability are the modern age slackers.
When my kid got his first case last summer when he was doing his Federal District Court Administrative Judge thingie...
A Social Security disability appeal came to him, the person advising him said: In the eight years I've been doing this guess how many of these SS appeals I've ruled in favor of the person wanting their disability? Needless to say, he ruled against the lil sucker heh heh
I can think of two people that fit the need category who've beed denied, repeatedly. One has such brittle bones due to her cancer treatment that she'll break a rib twisting to look at something. She can shake her fingers out of joint, lierally. She works for a living while awaiting a judge who isn't a fuck head. The other one has his chest closed up by his chest muscles & skin taken from his hip because the scar tissue from his heart attack (first at 38, then others) won't allow the bones to come together. He's living off his savings.
However, I know several She'Kishas who have bad feet or are too fat & collect. What's wrong with the system?