The Left, The Flag, & Patriotism

I don't know, Prof. I'm left, anti war, but very patriotic. I think its the extremist in either direction that are anti patriotic. They don't think anyone but they has a right to an opinion. Kinda like the author of this thread.
I respect Squiggy a great deal if for nothing else than he is willing to state his opinion here when there aren't many to back him, yet when the shit looks like it's going to be hitting the fan, he will stand behind the troops. There's something to be said about a liberal like that.

OH, and I'm alot dumber now than I was when I was 17. Just ask my kids.
Despite my disapproval of most of his thinking and my suspicions of his motivations, when Bush took office he became my President too. Thats the way it works. The troops didn't give the orders. They are just following them. And they deserve our support for that alone....
See, that's just it. You can disagree, but Bush is still your president. Precisely the way I felt about Billary.
:D The only problem is, if you were mad that Bill got a blowjob, how are you going to feel when W fucks all of us?
We wern't mad that he got a blowjob. We were mad that he lied under oath. If he were a member of the military, fraternization will get you bent over a barrel... but lying under oath will get you a few years under the brig and a DD faster than you can say jack robinson.
I find this rather disturbing, Squiggy is left, anti war, but he's from the US, because of that his opinions are taken seriously. The very same case as RD_151.

Most of the times when i have said opinions that are clearly left and clearly anti-war, i just get bashed and told about all the good things that the US has made for Mexico, :rolleyes:
It was a joke, unc. I didn't appreciate the lies either. But I never thought he should have been asked in the first place. That entire special prosecution was a bigger embarrassment to this country than what they found.
Not by me, Luis. :D I appreciate your views. I think being in opposition is fine. I just don't like when a non-American tells me I'm not 'patriotic' or a 'good' American. The right wing, being in opposition to your views, may think you have less right to input. Hell, some of them do that to me too. I don't feel that about right wing non Americans.
Luis G said:
Squiggy is left, anti war, but he's from the US, because of that his opinions are taken seriously
Who said we ever took him seriously? I have enough pedantic mockery for all comers.
Squiggy, i appreciate that, and i appreaciate those that can actually read an opinion for what it is, and not from where it comes from (like that would make a difference) and then goinggoing with the old argument. (ohh we have been very bad with Mexico, look, we lend you 30 billions the other day)
[/worst grammar ever]

unc :p
Squiggy said:
I don't know, Prof. I'm left, anti war, but very patriotic. I think its the extremist in either direction that are anti patriotic. They don't think anyone but they has a right to an opinion. Kinda like the author of this thread.

yep squiggy got it right.

Luis G said:
I find this rather disturbing, Squiggy is left, anti war, but he's from the US, because of that his opinions are taken seriously

i think everyone here to an extent is taken seriously. unless theyre joking most people in this forum are. ill admit i take jizlick seriously just with a whole container of salt.

Luis G said:
Most of the times when i have said opinions that are clearly left and clearly anti-war, i just get bashed and told about all the good things that the US has made for Mexico,

you mean besides tourists ;)

unclehobart said:
We wern't mad that he got a blowjob. We were mad that he lied under oath. If he were a member of the military, fraternization will get you bent over a barrel... but lying under oath will get you a few years under the brig and a DD faster than you can say jack robinson.

there was a girl i knew in the army and she and this guy liked each other but the fraternasation is why they couldnt date? does that appply to all branches of the military unc? and can you be dismissed from the military if your caught?

Gonz said:
If you aren't smarter at 17 than 37 somethings wrong.

the older i get the smarter i think im getting. i hope nothings wrong.

Luis G said:
btw, why does the left is always relationated with being "anti patriotic" and "anti war" ??

simple. right wing propopganda. were affiliated with that because we have a view point thats more liberal and such and some have affiliated anti-war with pro sadam. and our concerns on our gov't as beign unpatriotic.

HomeLAN said:
Jeslek, would you please, pretty please, shut the fuck up? You're making the other conservatives look stupid by association.

homey he doesnt count. as ive said before hes on his own side. he looks bad. conservatives just are what they feel. hell i agree with conservatives on a few views. but never jislick ;)
I think the fraternization rules only apply in that enlisted can only date enlisted, and officers can only date officers... and one cannot be a direct subordinate of the other... and marrieds aren't supposed to be messin' 'round. Its been a long time.. I may be fuzzy.
I think you got it right unc. The big no-no is enlisted and officers dating.
Luis G said:
Squiggy, i appreciate that, and i appreaciate those that can actually read an opinion for what it is, and not from where it comes from (like that would make a difference) and then goinggoing with the old argument. (ohh we have been very bad with Mexico, look, we lend you 30 billions the other day)
[/worst grammar ever]

unc :p

It's not what you's how you say it. I respect your opinion, even though I may not like it sometimes. The most important thing is consistency. I do not, however, like hypocrites. As long as you're willing to do what you say must be done, rather than just tell someone else to do it, you have much more respect than the person who screams for action/inaction, and is unwilling to stand and do what they are asking for. ;)