Who said we ever took him seriously? I have enough pedantic mockery for all comers.Luis G said:Squiggy is left, anti war, but he's from the US, because of that his opinions are taken seriously
Squiggy said:I don't know, Prof. I'm left, anti war, but very patriotic. I think its the extremist in either direction that are anti patriotic. They don't think anyone but they has a right to an opinion. Kinda like the author of this thread.
Luis G said:I find this rather disturbing, Squiggy is left, anti war, but he's from the US, because of that his opinions are taken seriously
Luis G said:Most of the times when i have said opinions that are clearly left and clearly anti-war, i just get bashed and told about all the good things that the US has made for Mexico,
unclehobart said:We wern't mad that he got a blowjob. We were mad that he lied under oath. If he were a member of the military, fraternization will get you bent over a barrel... but lying under oath will get you a few years under the brig and a DD faster than you can say jack robinson.
Gonz said:If you aren't smarter at 17 than 37 somethings wrong.
Luis G said:btw, why does the left is always relationated with being "anti patriotic" and "anti war" ??
HomeLAN said:Jeslek, would you please, pretty please, shut the fuck up? You're making the other conservatives look stupid by association.
Luis G said:Squiggy, i appreciate that, and i appreaciate those that can actually read an opinion for what it is, and not from where it comes from (like that would make a difference) and then goinggoing with the old argument. (ohh we have been very bad with Mexico, look, we lend you 30 billions the other day)
[/worst grammar ever]