Well-Known Member
Rush has always been a blowhard and towed the party line.
The fact is that it is just okey-dokey with you if other talk radio hosts toe the party line. Janine Garafolo, Al Franken, Alan Colmes, et al, are simply "speaking the truth" in your world. None of them are blowhards who are toeing the party line are they?
Insults again? Stop freaking out.
I don't hate Rush. I find him comical. I even turn his radio show on every once in awhile for a laugh.
How hateful is it when you cannot even give credit where credit is due? Your animus for this man runs so deep that if he were to fund the research and found a cure for prostate cancer you would call him a sexist pig because he didn't find a cure for breast cancer.
Yet if Rush were to do a David Brock style conversion from Conservative to Liberal -- pro-abortion; anti-firearm; big government advocate; anti-business; pro-socialized healthcare; pro-taxation; pro-welfare state; pro-union; pro-UN; anti-military; anti-war; anti-capitalist -- you would declare him to be the finest person walking the earth.
You hate him because he doesn't think as you do; and he doesn't toe YOUR party line.