The Liberals’ Creed

Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Winky said:
Yes Chcr, hence the original topic of this thread.

By no means can I say 100% of the time that quote unquote Conservatives accept personal responsibility 100% of the time. But I personally believe that Liberals as a group adhere to a philosophy of blaming others for their situation.

This if for no other reason makes close friendships between people who have diametrically opposed personal value systems unlikely.
Sorry, but in my experience that is patently untrue. Most of the people I know who I would consider liberals take responsibility just like I do. Sweeping generalizations like that are useless. Any number of people I would consider conservative I know pay lip service to the rhetoric while doing things like drawing unemployment or disability while still working. They'll tell you all about those black welfare moms though. If you can't be bothered to take people on an individual basis, well I guess that makes you stereotypical. I prefer to judge each person as I get to know them, either through personal contact or in the case of public figures through their public actions. Anything else is guesswork and innuendo and is thus meaningless.
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

chchr said:
If you can't be bothered to take people on an individual basis, well I guess that makes you stereotypical.

Taken individually, people with similar political beliefs act similarly. Not likely on every situation & in every case but as a general rule...thus stereotypes are born from truth.
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Gonz said:
Taken individually, people with similar political beliefs act similarly. Not likely on every situation & in every case but as a general rule...thus stereotypes are born from truth.
The density is almost frightening.
The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Chcr you my friend might be one mixed up individual:

“I prefer to judge each person as I get to know them, either through personal contact or in the case of public figures through their public actions. Anything else is guesswork and innuendo and is thus meaningless.”

and in addition don’t read to well either.

I tried to appeal (or CYA) to those who would try to escape through your flimsy bit of non-logic with this portion of verbiage:

By no means can I say 100% of the time that quote unquote Conservatives accept personal responsibility 100% of the time.

OK how’s this, you say:

“Any number of people I would consider conservative I know pay lip service to the rhetoric”

Well then I’d say that your policy of:
“I prefer to judge each person as I get to know them, either through personal contact…”

Isn’t werkin’ to good fer ya buddy!

So you know “any number of” conservatives that don’t behave, as conservatives then I’d say that the people that you have adjudged to be conservatives ARE NOT conservatives!

Good Lord why am I talking to someone who would say:
I go around judging people and I find a ton of conservatives that act like Liberals and I find a ton of Liberals that act like Conservatives and and If you judge people, lump them in categories you are being ‘stereotypical” man I’ll say it again you must be one mixed up dood! (Oh I apologize in advance for what many are going to call a ‘personal attack’ So So he can’t figger out the difference between a conservative and a Liberal and I am stereotypical!
so shoot me)
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Winky said:
Chcr you my friend might be one mixed up individual:

“I prefer to judge each person as I get to know them, either through personal contact or in the case of public figures through their public actions. Anything else is guesswork and innuendo and is thus meaningless.”

and in addition don’t read to well either.

I tried to appeal (or CYA) to those who would try to escape through your flimsy bit of non-logic with this portion of verbiage:

By no means can I say 100% of the time that quote unquote Conservatives accept personal responsibility 100% of the time.

OK how’s this, you say:

“Any number of people I would consider conservative I know pay lip service to the rhetoric”

Well then I’d say that your policy of:
“I prefer to judge each person as I get to know them, either through personal contact…”

Isn’t werkin’ to good fer ya buddy!

So you know “any number of” conservatives that don’t behave, as conservatives then I’d say that the people that you have adjudged to be conservatives ARE NOT conservatives!

Good Lord why am I talking to someone who would say:
I go around judging people and I find a ton of conservatives that act like Liberals and I find a ton of Liberals that act like Conservatives and and If you judge people, lump them in categories you are being ‘stereotypical” man I’ll say it again you must be one mixed up dood! (Oh I apologize in advance for what many are going to call a ‘personal attack’ So So he can’t figger out the difference between a conservative and a Liberal and I am stereotypical!
so shoot me)
I don't consider that a personal attack. That's merely a difference of opinion. My point is, what you see as major philosophical differences, I see as minor differences in approach. I think you have to be able to see beyond the political bent of someone to see the real person. From what you say, you start with their political beliefs and work backward. I think I would find this a serious handicap in getting to know someone. Not that this makes you in any way unusual, quite the reverse. That's what I meant by sterotypical. I'm the weird one, I already understand that you and a lot of others think that way. I do, however, believe that I am right in this case. People, regardless of race, religion or politics, are not so different from one another as you think they are. You think this makes me a liberal, and I disagree.
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

One day I might actually meet a completely "normal" child or adult--at which time I will faint.

As the Kid will tell you, I got him and his sister pre-growed--which seems to be my lot in life, dealing with other folk's children. And I teach special education. My specialty is working with children with sensory disabilities, but I get all kinds in my second specialty, which is working with kids who cannot attend school on a regular basis. Behavior disorders, mononeucliosis, pregnancy, seizure disorders, fragile health issues, fear of falling, anxiety disorders (that's a FUN one to deal with!), accidents, various odd biochemical imbalances (one kid was a mix of anxiety disorder and clinical depression along with dyslexia, while others in her family, which is also prone to developing odd forms of cancer, have had lupus, multiple sclerosis, other anxiety disorders, bipolar, and so on), organ failure....Have had such a bunch it's scary.

Most--no, ALL--of the "normal" kids I've seen have still had issues at one time or another. What the Kid's Sis went through before she came to us is the stuff of nightmares, but at least the two of them have turned out all right.
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Let's see--the ones who were loudest in condemning Clinton for his sexual pecadilloes, Hyde and Gingrich--were keeping mistresses; and Gingrich chose to leave his wife when she was in the hospital dying of cancer to marry his mistress.

Seems typical of those who love to condemn the behavior of others to think their own actions are totally hidden and therefore not to be compared with what he/she/they are doing.

I am a Christian, but I don't want fundamentalist Christians imposing their standards on me or mine or anyone else, any more than I would consider trying to impose my standards on them. And I refuse to accept the current dogma going around in many "Christian" circles that your temporal success demonstrates just how good your faith is. These, who seem to dominate the far right, keep indicating that the fact others are in need is totally their own fault, which is sheer balderdash.
I'm pretty sure I saw Gingrich resigned, to save the party face. :confused:
I don't remember Hyde.

If I'm not mistaken there were a few other Reps., that resigned for just
making bad statements to the press or something too.

I don't remember who was the last Dem. to resign because of a mistake.
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

Larner said:
One day I might actually meet a completely "normal" child or adult--at which time I will faint.

Let me know. I'll faint with you. ;)

Larner said:
Most--no, ALL--of the "normal" kids I've seen have still had issues at one time or another. What the Kid's Sis went through before she came to us is the stuff of nightmares, but at least the two of them have turned out all right.

I wouldn't know about that...mark is a liberal. :grinyes:
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

chcr said:
I don't consider that a personal attack. That's merely a difference of opinion. My point is, what you see as major philosophical differences, I see as minor differences in approach. I think you have to be able to see beyond the political bent of someone to see the real person. From what you say, you start with their political beliefs and work backward. I think I would find this a serious handicap in getting to know someone. Not that this makes you in any way unusual, quite the reverse. That's what I meant by sterotypical. I'm the weird one, I already understand that you and a lot of others think that way. I do, however, believe that I am right in this case. People, regardless of race, religion or politics, are not so different from one another as you think they are. You think this makes me a liberal, and I disagree.
I'm weird right along with ya - I fully agree. :headbang:
The Liberals’ Greed

“My point is, what you see as major philosophical differences”

Yes, a person that accepts person responsibility, that believes
he and he alone is in charge of his destiny vs. someone who sees himself
as a victim, that his personal circumstances are not within his ability to control
therefore he doesn’t have to accept responsibility for his actions..

Yeah buddy that’s a mighty durned BIG difference in philosophy I’d say!

“I see as minor differences in approach”


“From what you say, you start with their political beliefs and work backward.”

Um like ah NO!!! What I am talking about is basically the foundational bedrock on which all other actions a person might take is based. Hence you get people like Bill Clit-on who can say the things they say with a straight face. “I dunnit cuz I coulda”

That speaks to a basic approach to life.
Being a Liberal is merely the final manifestation of their core beliefs.

“ I would find this a serious handicap in getting to know someone”

To approach it any other way would not only be ineffective but lead you to making many wrong conclusions.
“Oh I never would have thought he’d do such a thing”
Well if you know persons prime motivations, it is easy to predict how they will respond in a given situation.

“People, regardless of race, religion or politics, are not so different from one another as you think they are…”

I’ll give you that! Yup they either accept personal responsibility or they don’t.
A guy that runs off and plooks another woman while his wife and kids are left wanting I think I know which camp he’s in and figgering out upfront that he was
that kinda guy is simple as pie unless one chooses to take the approach you’ve outlined.

“You think this makes me a liberal, and I disagree.”

You can disagree all you like and it’s fine with me. If I postulate that sun will rise in the east tomorrow you are completely free to disagree but it sho nuff ain’t gonna stop the Sun from rising in the east tomorrow

Now look here Big Guy I ain’t sayin’ yer a Libby we’ve never met fer chistsakes.

What do ya want me to come up with a simple questionnaire???

Answer these questions true or false “You might be a liberal if…”
Re: The Liberals’ excuses!!!!!!!

As for the Kid being a liberal--agreed--a bit of a problem for his moderate of a mother! Heh! (Takes after his father, who was a Democrat! SHUDDER!)
markjs said:
No amount of parenting would have averted my drug use. I think I was Bipolar all along and I was self medicating. The only thing I can think that might have helped is early diagnosis and the lithium I take now.

So marky mark, this just sparks some curiosity on my part.

Do you earn a title II or XVI entitlement from the federal government? Do you have free MediCare?

Just wondering . . . :D

Bipolar is not a reason people use drugs (but I have no doubt someone told you that during therapy), it is a free choice. (I will however give to the notion that bipolar’s prefer meth as their drug of choice)
You know, winky, I can't honestly tell if you are deliberately misunderstanding what I say or if you honestly don't get it. I really don't care though. :shrug:
I'll take door number two!!!

Really either I do indeed all too well understand
"what your getting at"
I missed it completely!

Since I'm the one with the 'problem' could you make the leap, try to see it through my eyes as it were and put it in terms a jack booted thug can understand?
I didn't say you had a problem. I don't think it's a problem. I honestly don't care. Why do you?
chcr said:
I didn't say you had a problem. I don't think it's a problem. I honestly don't care. Why do you?

Perhaps because this is a message board & the purpose is to discuss not dismiss.
The Liberals’ need to bleed

Class dismissed

Schools out for summer!
