The Longest thread anywhere on any board ever!!


Well-Known Member
This is the PhantomTraders thread on ragingbull. Now this is but one thread among raging bulls thousands and look how long it is. I think the phantomTrader is responsible for over a hundred thousand of these.
I posted thousands of times on this board back when i was a trade junkie.
Am I reading that right? 1 million 162 thousand posts on a single thread? Just reading it all would take the better part of a year.
Unbelievable isn't it. I used to actually keep up with that and two dozen other RB boards at the same time. Sometimes there would be a thousand new posts a day. What a fricken headache that was. RB probably has between 30,000-50,000 threads too, some even rivaling that one so you can imagine the combined postcount. Nothing drives one to post like money.
At one point there were over 1000 posts a day here, and that was sustained for a good 1.5 weeks or so, ranging from 1200 to 1600 most of the time. I think the record is like 1950 which was achieved during that period