Well-Known Member
I used to have cold feet about saying "ANYTHING" when it came to the warranties. I've asked management about it many times and they've always said "YES, it covers EVERYTHING except theft and fire"
Sometimes I get a customer who bought a warranty from bestbuy or another shitty store like that, thought it was accidental, but it wasn't. I explain how we have two different ones and how the more expensive (usually 1.5x-2x the price of the regular one) one DOES cover accidental stuff. If they still have cold feet, I'll just page one of the managers, and have him back me up. That always works well.
Sometimes I get a customer who bought a warranty from bestbuy or another shitty store like that, thought it was accidental, but it wasn't. I explain how we have two different ones and how the more expensive (usually 1.5x-2x the price of the regular one) one DOES cover accidental stuff. If they still have cold feet, I'll just page one of the managers, and have him back me up. That always works well.