The move from Hell


New Member
Well, as you may have noticed, I've been gone for several days now. A lot has happened in that time, and I'm going to bitch about it now.

This all starts on Friday, June 28th. I wake up early in the morning to go rent a U-Haul. No luck, I try every truck rental place in town and nobody has a truck available till Sunday. On my way home, as I'm pulling into the driveway, who should be there but my landlady to tell me people will be coming by to look at the place and she'll be there on Sunday to inspect. I tell her that we can't find a U-Haul, can she come by on Monday. She's ok with that, so cool.

I get on-line, register for U-Haul (costs me $5 to request a truck on line) and have to drive a 30 mile trip to go pick up a truck.

They don't have the size I need and I end up with the biggest truck they have to offer, fender to fender it's almost 40 feet long. Thankfully I can drive a stick shift or this post would be a lot bitchier then it's going to be. I get the truck home, back it up and we load what's ready. So far I haven't had any problems driving the truck (can you see foreshadowing here?).

Once loaded we start our first trip to the apartment, on the way in to the complex I hit a large brick and stucco divider, tear 4 bricks out of it and dump a lot of the stuff stacked in the truck all over the inside. This scratches a TV and pretty much ruins a perfectly good guitar. Go me.

So we're unloading the truck (did I mention my apartment is on the 2nd floor) when I starts to rain.
It rains off and on the rest of the move.

This is just Friday.


I have to work Saturday, so it's up to my BF and Lorrimar to get packing. When I get home I'm walking past the truck when I notice the rear tire is flat. I call U-Haul to get help but I've left my rental contract at the apartment, they hang up on me. I go get the contract, call them back, somebody will be out in a hour. An hour and half later I get a call, the guy is on his way, he's there 30 min after that.

By now it's dark, he takes off the tire and lo and behold the inside part of the rim is bent backwards (not my fault, really, the guy says there is no way I could of done that) but he doesn't have a rim to replace it. He does his thing, tells me it's against DOT regulations and he wouldn't be surprised if the tire blew off the rim. Yee Haw.

Well it's too late at this point to take stuff to the apartment so we stay the night at the house. This is made most enjoyable by the fact that my bed was the first thing in the truck and is now behind the rest of our stuff. I spend the night on the floor.


We finish loading up the truck leaving stuff that will fit in the cars behind. We get to the storage shed, unload what goes there and it begins to rain again.

Off to the apartment, still raining, I manage not to smash anything this time (somebody has already picked up the bricks and set them back in place, but you can still tell) and we unload the truck.

We hurry to take the truck back hoping we'll only be charged for two days. I leave a note for the guy to call me so I can tell him about the tire and pass out as soon as I get to bed.


The landlady is due at 330, we still haven't cleaned the house or called to have the carpets cleaned because we didn't know when we'd be done.

Ardsgaine comes out and patches some holes in the drywall for me (thanks again!) while I'm busy cleaning.

Ardsgaine leaves, I go to vacuum the room he's in and my vacuum explodes. No, really. Poof! the canister blows off, it makes this really loud grinding noise and the smell of burning plastic fills the air.

At this point I've decided that god does exist, he just really really hates me.

Lorrimar and my BF show up and while they're busy getting the garbage out to the curb I'm still cleaning. I don't think we're going to make the 330 deadline.

I still haven't heard from the U-Haul guy, I check the phone line, it's been cutoff. I borrow a cell phone, tell him what's up, ask for the final bill amount and he over charges my debit card $30 for insurance I didn't request. It takes 5 days to get my money back.

While I'm on the phone with him the landlady shows up. She's 30 min early and I can tell by the look of shock on her face and the fact she can't take her hand away from her mouth, she's not happy.

Turns out she's already rented the place and the new renters might show up tonight. Oops.

We promise her things will work out, offer a brief explanation as to what's been happening, and she agrees to come out the next day at 1100. Somehow it feels more like a stay of execution, not a pardon.

My mom stops by after work and helps me finish the cleaning of the house. By 800 the only thing left to do is vacuum (mom's going to bring her's into town tomorrow) and have the carpets cleaned (Mom has made an appointment for that for me [thanks mom!] and they should be there at 900).

Monday also happens to be my 23rd birthday, so we go out and I get some much needed alcohol in my system.


I'm up at 800 again, go to my Mom's work, get the vacuum and by 900 all I need to do is wait for the carpet cleaning guys and this will all be over with. Fat chance. By 945 the carpet cleaning guys haven't showed up, but the city has and they just turned off the water and electricity. After knocking on several doors to try and borrow a phone, I find nobody home on our street. I write the carpet guys a note and drive to an ATM to get some money for a payphone.

Well, because the U-Haul guy overcharged my debit card, I have no money in my account until that gets cleared up. I end up driving back to my mom's office, she gives them a call at which point we find out they have no record of the appointment. They blame my mom, she blames them, they agree to come out anyway.

By the time I get to the house they are already there. They do, by far, the best job I have ever seen. I have Lorrimar's credit card to pay for the job, but they don't take credit. I have to drive out later that day with cash to make payment. Ok, no big deal there, at least the house is ready.

The landlady is 30 min late, but she is so worried that the house won't be ready she shows up with a car full of cleaning supplies. She's so happy the house is ready she says she could kiss me. Thankfully she doesn't and I leave.

Well, that's it for the move. There's more after that, but that's for another long involved post.


wow! :eek: i absolutely HATE moving, 4 computers worry enough, plus tons of other junk :eek:

Glad it worked out eventually, i hope :laugh:
Sorry to hear it, I hate moving too, my wife is looking at new houses now, I just keep telling her, No, honey, I just don't like that one, the Master bedroom is just too small. Think she's gonna end up making me build one for her, but at least that buys me a good year.
that is, quite possibly, the most well-written account I've ever read .. you have a gift ... you should go with it :)

and about the crap with the move ... it's like, a law or something .. I believe it's a federal law 2485-355-682-216832-55B, section XX that states "any US citizen who is moving an entire household from area to another, so long as it is more than a total distance of 5 feet, must endure a myriad of hardship as seen fit by the forces of nature and will encounter a host of stoopid persons throughout the duration of the move." ...

so you see? You are a law-abiding citizen :)

*hugs ya tight* .. good to see you though .. welcome back
:lol: @ Ardsgaine

only good thing about moving is the tons of missing and useless stuff you find.

2,700 posts, it looks nice
thanks nalani. for the hug and for bitch slapping luis :D

i'm still trying to catch up on all i've missed. is there anything that needs my attention ;)
tits mate, soudns like your weekend/week has been like mine :(

hope the new place is nice, and you have a good housewarming party :D
Originally posted by nalani
*bitchslaps Luis for attempting to make this thread about him*


do that again, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeeee

**nipple twist nalani :p **
hope the new place is nice, and you have a good housewarming party

Well, since you mentioned it, let me tell you about the new place...

We picked a second floor apartment that overlooks the pool. Too bad that's what we based the majority of our decision on.

First, no hot guys or hot girls at the pool. Ever. Sometimes I'm scared to get in the water after what I've seen in there. Ewww.

Second, the bathroom has one plug. Not one outlet with two plugs, just one plug. It's in the ceiling.

Third, the kitchen has one outlet with two plugs, and one plug built into the stove. Something in the kitchen leaks, we're not sure if it's the garbage disposal or the dishwasher. And let's not forget that we can't put anything in the cabinets above the sink until someone comes in and reattaches the cabinet to the ceiling.

Fourth, you can take a three minute hot shower, or a five minute lukewarm shower. The shower has great water pressure, but the tub won't drain proper if you turn the water up all the way so you either end up ankle deep in water or so so water pressure.

I really miss my old tub.

Fifth, it's hot. Even with the air on full, it gets above 85 in my bedroom during the day. The only ceiling fan is in the living room.

Sixth, the carpet. Actually, lets not even talk about the carpet. I think their version of cleaning involved somebody rubbing spit in the carpet with a dirty boot.

Then there's the problem we've been having with the cable. It worked, then it didn't. And the cable modem just got fixed today.

Oh, and the phone. Two jacks, only the one in the kitchen works and because we have a cordless phone we're now down to two plugs total in the kitchen.

It'll cost me $50 to have somebody find out why only one jack works and I work for the phone company.

I'd have a house warming party, but I'm not sure I want my family to know I live here.

The only plus about this apartment is we only signed a seven month lease.

But, to be postive for a change, I'm sure once we really get settled in we'll get around most of the problems or have them fixed.

We've got a pretty good location, next to one of the malls, nice theaters, plenty of food selection. A bit farther from my office then I would like, but it's real quite out here.

Originally posted by
i'm still trying to catch up on all i've missed. is there anything that needs my attention ;)

You'll want to check out the ", I have just one question..." thread in which I first reveal our true relationship...
Yeah, I saw that. And after all I've said here to try and prove gay people aren't weirdo's after all :D
(You never saw a double post...)

Originally posted by
Yeah, I saw that. And after all I've said here to try and prove gay people aren't weirdo's after all

I've gone and ruined that for you. So sorry... Shall I tell them about threatening to feed you to the alligators when you were a child?
The new apartment sounds kind of......dreadful. Why did you move out of the old place?

And might I suggest a surge protector electrical strip for the kitchen, at least. They have a breaker in them, so if you turn on every thing you own at one time, it'll blow the breaker instead of burning the place down.
We moved in order to save money. Since Lorrimar took up sleeping on people's couches instead of getting a real job we couldn't keep the old place :D

Plus my current job is only part time, so overall there was a very drastic cut in household income.

it'll blow the breaker instead of burning the place down

Burning the place down would be bad because...?