The move from Hell

holyphreakingcow ...

I know what you mean about a bathtub though .. my place only has a shower stall and I really miss taking a bath - especially at the end of the day when I can lock the door and ignore everyone and everything ... :)

things will turn our, I'm sure ... cause even if you're gay, you're fine as hell ..and things always turn out great when you're fine as hell .. television proves that

Yeah, I guess sleeping on peoples couches as opposed to working is only cost effective to the couch squatter. :D

And burning the place down would be bad because....well, if you get some renters insurance for a couple months, I guess it wouldn't. In that case I recommend piggy backing a bunch of those 3 plug into one thingys, then plug every thing you own in and be sure to remove those pesky little ground plugs first.:evilgrin:
you should try moving day in Montreal. ALL leases end on the same day, by law. Renting a truck requires at least 2 months notice and costs upwards of $300, for 4 hours.

Oh, and did I mention a .6% vacancy rate?

Glad to hear it's over.
Originally posted by *Q*
Yeah, I guess sleeping on peoples couches as opposed to working is only cost effective to the couch squatter. :D

yeah, it's pretty cost effective :) & my band is doing a lot of touring & recording through the end of the year. i just didn't see the point in paying $600 a month for an apartment when for 3 out of any 4 weeks i wouldn't be there. i got a bunch of friends around the southeast that i am planning to crash & party with when i'm not doing band stuff.

At this point I've decided that god does exist, he just really really hates me.

This is why I prefer to be agnostic. The alternative is a very painful thing to think about.

Sorry it was such a bitch, . My wife and I had a fairly easy move last time and we still promised each other it'd be 10 years before we tried it again.
The best way to get rid of 'couch-nappers' is to play practical jokes on them when they're asleep... ;) Think of the conversations you could have after lorrimar ends up on 'America's Funniest Videos'...

As for the phone lines...can't you fix them yourself? Most times, it's just a wire that worked itself loose, and all the wiring is color-coded...