The Navy


New Member
As some of you may know, I was interviewing for a job as a civilian working as a geospatial analyst for the Geospatial Facility based on the naval base in Auckland. They provide maps and data to all the defense forces - army, navy, airforce, etc - but they also do other stuff as well and are partaking in the Digital Earth project. Anyway, they've come back to me with an offer!! At the moment they are checking my references and seeing if I qualify for Top Secret security clearance. Once my references check out, we'll be negotiating a start date. I'm so excited - I've not quite finished university (post-grad GIS/Remote Sensing) yet as I have one more paper to do, and I'm currently working fulltime with the local council mapping their assets for them, so this move will place me in a really good position for someone who hasn't finished their post-grad yet. :D Did I mention that the money is also really sweet? :grinyes:

Oh, and thanks heaps Homie for all that advise you gave me way back when at the beginning of this year - it helped heaps. :)
Top Secret clearance? In maps? I wonder if what the secret is here; would it be the military computers or perhaps the locations being mapped? How James Bond.
This one's better told in person so the spelling differences don't affect things:

What's long, hard and full of seamen? A submarine!

If you're a Seaman, the worst last name you could possibly have would be Samples.
I knew a 2nd class petty officer with the last name of Stain. He was also in a sea rating and would have been called Seaman Stain when he was an E1-E3. I would love to have known him then.
Thanks Les - me and the BF will be moving overseas at some point over the next year or so, so I may well be looking for jobs in canada.

Gonz ya fucking grinch. :p Positive thoughts, man!

I'm told that I will know early next week, so I guess we'll see then...